
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Papertrey Ink May 2014 Blog Hop

Happy Sunday!! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend. I know I am.

Yesterday I FINALLY planted my vegetable garden. The plants I bought from school were not looking so hot as the weather in CT has not been ideal for planting this year. They look better now that they are in the ground and I hope the survive. I will be crossing my fingers. (and no, I did not take photos, though I will now that I am typing this.)

Today I had time to play in my scrap room. I was supposed to be organizing (shhh!) but I felt like making a card instead. The organizing and the mess will still be there tomorrow for me to do, right? I am playing along today with Papertrey Ink's blog hop.

The challenge was to use the colors of melon and aqua. The photo below was the inspiration piece.

I love these colors together, don't you? I only wish I had a room I could redo with this pretty palate! 

When I started creating this card, I also intended on using this weeks retro sketch #116. I love this sketch but in the process of making my card, I went terribly array and did not even come close. This is the sketch:

 Here is the finished card:

See what I mean? The sketch and the card are not even close!! 

Today I am going to tell you all about the process behind this. When I read other people's blogs, I love it when they write about how they came up with the whole idea. In fact, creative people's minds fascinate me. 

Anyway, as I said before, I started out by wanting to use the sketch and using the two colors. Then when I started playing, I tripped myself up. Instead of this being a "quick" card, this took TWO HOURS!! Doesn't look like it, though, does it? I stamped the clock face first on a piece of white card stock. I used a stamping off technique to get the really light color. To be honest, I stamped this clock 4 times before I got the one that was "perfect" in my mind. I then stamped the sentiment. 

I knew I was going to use a Melon Berry base and some type of aqua accents. However, I screwed up and pulled out a piece of Berry Sorbet instead. I told you this was a total comedy of errors today!! The plain card base was too blah so I used Papertrey Ink's Polka Dot Basics II set and Melon Berry ink to stamp a polka dot background. (At least I got the melon ink right!) I then used an ink blender and blended more melon ink around the edges.

Next I die cut different doilies out of Aqua Mist card stock. I also knew I wanted to use a butterfly somewhere on the card so I originally cut PTI's "Beautiful Butterflies"out vellum. They were too big for the card so I had to go another route. I wound up cutting out so many "extras" to play around with that I have a bunch left over. Do you ever do that? This does not even show the "experiments" that I threw out!

I will use them on a later card but if you only knew how many times this has happened...I have tons of little bits from so many projects that I should just give them away. I hardly ever go through them again to use them up.

Sooooo, anyhow, I finally decided that my Martha Stewart butterfly punches were the perfect size I needed for the butterfly accent. I punched three, doused them in Aqua Mist ink, and adhered them together. I then adhered all my accents to the card front.

I am really happy with the results. Next time I hope it won't take me so long to create a card like this AND I will double check the ingredients!!

Thank you for looking! Have a great night!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday with some More My Favorite Things

Happy Thursday!! It is a happy day for me even though the day is gray and ugly. I didn't have to go to jury duty! That is always a call for celebration in my book.

Today I am going to share three cards I created. Two are using the My Favorite Things Lily dies and one is a Pure Innocence Image. They were so much fun to use.

For the lily cards, I die cut a bunch from white paper and then colored them in using Jennifer McGuire's Copic marker technique. Mine are in pink and I had to tweak them a bit but I like how they car out.

My first card I totally CASED a card I had seen by one of the designers, Karen Giron. If you have never seen her blog, run over and check it out. You would get lost in their FOR HOURS!! She rocks!! I used this card to "copy."

Instead of making a square card, I chose to make it a 4 1/4" by 5 1/2" card. I also chose to make it pink rather then in white like Karen did. I did a lot of layering on this, only using foam adhesive on the stitched panel and the thank you sentiment. I also used a bit of Wink of Stella pen to give the inside of the flowers a little sparkle.

I love how this came out, with the exception of the leaves. I did a terrible job with the Copics and the veins. Eek! Next time I will color them in with more finesse.

My second lily card was all me. Copying the design of the first card sometimes helps me with using the products all on my own.

I used an MFT stamp and PTI Raspberry Fizz ink to create the striped background. I love how it looks against the white.

My last card is a total shift from the two lily cards but I did use an MFT stamp to create it. I use the Pure Innocence "Blooming Good Day" that I have had FOREVER to stamp the image and then colored it in with Copic Markers.

I layered the image over PTI Royal Velvet card stock and patterned paper. The flowers were die cut with PTI button stack die cuts. I think she came out rather cute but again, I need some practice on my Copic skills.

I thank you for stopping by today. I hope you have a great night!!
