
Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Piano Recital and a Fun Card

This weekend has FLOWN by. It started with an awesome Friday workout and dinner with fabulous friends, whom I don't get to see enough of. It ended with Charlotte's piano recital. I am so jealous that she can play instruments like this and read music. I so wish I could but I have tried and it is hopeless.

My father was able to make it. I didn't have grandparents close by that could attend special events like this growing up so anytime my father or step mother can come to see Char do something makes me feel good and makes her feel extra special.

They had to have a photo with their sunglasses on!!

And one without the glasses. They were laughing at something. Probably me!

On to the real reason for this post. Darnell Knauss at djkardkreations has reached her 500th follower and in celebration of this event, is hosing a challenge. If you enjoy a good read and some fabulous creativity, you should check out her site. She is a HOOT and talented to boot!

The challenge is to make a card with a friendship theme. I am kind of stretching this because I created a card for a specific friend who has had many changes in her life and is making a huge step in following her dreams. This is a kind of encouragement to her because as will all new things, change can be so scary.

Darnell also encouraged us to use a NBUS (never before used item) on this card as well. I chose to use my PTI "Building Blocks" set for this. I bought this set a few months ago, just HAVING to have it. I never opened the box until this weekend. I die cut the colored strips and then stamped the sentiment from the set. I then adhered the colored die cuts to some Lawn Fawn polka dot paper with foam tape. Next I layered stamped die cut flowers from WPlus9 around and over the sentiment strips.

My last step was to adhere some clear sequins and use Stickles in for the flower middles. I ADORE how this card came out and I am hoping my friend will too.

I had such a blast using this set that I made another card with it too and will showcase that card later on this week.

Thank you for stopping by tonight. I hope you have a fabulous week!! Thank you Darnell for the fun challenge too!
