
Friday, August 11, 2017

It is a CardMaker Magazine Blog Hop Featuring Flower Cards!!

Happy Friday everyone!! I am here with a card for the CardMaker Magazine Blog Hop. You should have hopped here from Gaylynn's blog "Neat Nook Creations."

For this hop, we were to use flowers on our creations. I created a card combining CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Full on Floral" stamp set with "Sassy Smiles" and a few Fri-dies.

 I started off my card by stamping the "Full on Floral" stamp in red onto a top folding, A2 aqua card base. I love these two colors together and decided to use them after seeing a dress I liked while I was on vacation. I made a mental note to come home and use this color scheme on a card.

I then die cut the "smile" sentiment using CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Smiling Fri-Dies" out of a piece of red card stock. I adhered it to the card front saturating it with a clear sparkle pen and a coat of glossy accents.

While the die cut was drying, I masked a sentiment from the "Sassy Smiles" stamp set and stamped it in red onto a strip of aqua card stock. I adhered this sentiment strip under the "smile" die cut using foam adhesive.

I thought the card needed something more so I then die cut some flowers using CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Friendly Flowers" and "Fun-Fetti Fri-Dies" out of the same red card stock as the sentiment. (Really difficult to tell this in my photos but the shiny was really hard to photograph!!)

Like the sentiment, I coated the flowers with clear sparkle pen and Glossy Accents. When the flowers were dry, I added an aqua pearl onto each flower.

This card was extremely simple to make and would be fun to mass produce for a card set. Who doesn't like getting a card that says smile? I tend to use these the most and send them out just to cheer somebody up.

Next up on the blog hop is Niki's blog, "Cardstoq: Tealkat's Blog." If you get lost along the way, be sure to head on over to the CardMaker Magazine Blog for the full list of designers participating in this hop.

Don't forget to comment on every one's blog for a chance to win some great prizes!

I thank you for stopping by and hope you all have a FABULOUS day.

CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Products:

Paper: red and aqua card stock
Ink: WPlus9 "Gala Red"
Other: Sizzix Big Shot, Spectrum Clear Sparkle Pen, Glossy Accents, 3M Foam Adhesive, Ranger Multi: Matte, Hero Arts Pearls