
Monday, March 6, 2023

There is a NEW Challenge at Cupcake Inspirations!!

 Hey friends!! 

Just popping in with a card that I created for Challenge #564 at Cupcake Inspirations Challenges

For the next two weeks, Cupcake Inspirations Challenge is all about BEES!

The image I used is from our sponsor for this challenge-Pixel Paper Prints!!!

 She generously donated the "Busy Bee's" Digital Stamp Set for us to use for the next two weeks!

I had a TON of fun coloring in this card!! The sentiment was my creation that I printed right on to the front when I printed my images.

Isn't this too cute? Does it get you to want to play with us this week over at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #564? Hop on over to the BLOG for details!!

Since this set was so MASSIVE, I have a bonus card for you too! I made a birthday card using some of the bees from the "Busy Bee" set.

I used Copic Markers to color in my bees and a stencil for the background. The sentiment looks a bit off in this photo but it is not IRL.

Well, that is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by!! Have a FABULOUS Monday!!
