
Monday, June 10, 2024

Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #596-For the Guys!

Hey friends!!!

Today I am popping in with a card for this round of the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge. Challenge #596 is a THEME challenge-FOR THE GUYS.

Guys cards are so hard for me to create for some reason. Am I the only one? Below is the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Badge for CIC596:


I chose to use some of the main colors from the Inspiration Picture on the badge. I used scraps and cut them into strips.

Instead of using a dark brown, I chose to go with a Kraft color for the card base and "happy" sentiment.

Want to join us for this round of the challenge? Head on over to the Cupcake Inspiration Challenge Blog for more information. I cannot wait to see what you create!!!

That is all from me today. Thanks for stopping by. Have a FABULOUS week!
