
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Paper Trey Ink Stamp-A-Faire Challenge #1

I had a fun time playing along with Paper Trey Ink today and doing some of their Stamp-A-Faire challenges. I would have loved to go to their fun convention but alas, it was too far and not a great time to take off and go to Ohio. Instead, I played along for a while completing a few challenges.

The first challenge was  create a project featuring patterned strips that were created with some of of my favorite decorative elements. Since I am limited in the amount of PTI stamp sets that I own, I chose to stamp my background with PTI's Label Basics and sea spray chalk ink. I then distressed the edges with a tonic distress tool and inked with Vintage Photo Ink.

For the focal point of the card, I chose to use the PTI's stamp set Gracious Vases.  Again, I used chalk various colors of chalk ink. I punched the images into a circle and then inked with Vintage Photo Ink. 

I used my Big Shot to cut out some die cuts and layered the stamped images over them to make them pop. I wasn't sure how this was going to come out but am pretty pleased with the results. If you have time, go over to Nicole Heady's Blog and have some fun!!

1 comment:

  1. It's darling! Love that color combination and the lush ribbon!


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