
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Hump Day!!

It is Wednesday, the middle of the week and the day I think that is hardest for me to get through. Monday I know I have 5 days of work to go but Wednesdays just seem to drag even though I know I am am half way to the weekends. I miss my summer days of just doing anything I wanted! (But I don't miss not getting a check!!)

In honor of my lazy days of summer, I thought I would post four layouts that I created with a summer theme. The photos are from summer 2010 but the pages are ones that I created in July.

The first page I created was for I decided to play around with using mist for a title. I die cut letters out, stuck them to the page with temporary adhesive and then misted blue around them. I lifted the letters off after they dried and this is what was left. I love the effect and will be doing this again. I mixed goodies from Echo Park and Jillibean Soup to complete this page.

(If you want to know the specificsupplies I used, see this link. I was too lazy to list them all out today!)

The next two pages I created for an article over at that reviewed the Splash Collection by Echo Park. These photos were taken on our vacation with my family in PA. Excuse the scan. I couldn't

get the blues to match on top no matter how I tried.

This page was really simple and fun to make. The papers were perfect for this photo of Charlotte and her cousins.

The last page is about how my two nephews loved to be buried in the sand. How cute are they? Again I had fun mixing Jillibean Soup products and Echo Park goodies. It is a bit bright but I like it!!

(Again, I am too lazy to post the supplies. If you want specifics, go to this link which will bring you to this page at All the supplies are listed there with links.)

I hope these bright and cheerful layouts will make you have a Happy Hump Day!!


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