
Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 10, 2011

I seem to have really dropped the ball on my blog. It isn't even that I am not creating projects but it takes so much time to write and upload them. I need to make a pact with myself to blog at least two entries a week. What keeps you motivated?

For this post, I want to focus on the circle journal pages that I scrapped two weeks ago during Hurricane Irene-before we lost our power for SIX days!! I finally finished them and will be sending them on their way on Monday.

For those of you who don't know what a circle journal is I will try to explain it. Usually you have a group of friends that you are doing it with. You each create a journal with a specific theme. You send your journal to one of your friends, they create a scrapbook page (or art journal page) using your theme and then send it on to the next person on their list. You get another members journal as well and do the same thing. It is really fun when it works but we had a little glitch with our group, part of me being sick for 2 months and getting three at the same time!! I am very excited that I finished the pages and will be happy to forward them on to the next member. Look out Lin!!

The first theme I completed was "A Typical Week in My Life." Since I don't take photos every day, I chose a week in July and used photos from that. However, it really couldn't be considered "typical" because I have summers off and my days are filled with a different kind of "busy" then when I work.

Supplies: Paper-Bazzil Cardstock, Pink Paislee (Think Big), Studio Calico (Pie Contest), Echo Park (Big Stripes) Alphabet Stickers-Paper Studio, Cosmo Cricket, Doodlebug Design, and Basic Grey, Stickers-Crate Paper, Stamps and Die Cuts-Paper Trey Ink, Ink-Stampin Up!

The next journal I conquered had an astrology theme. We were to create a page about our astrological sign. I am an Aquarian and it was fun to see what "typical" traits I show that are Aquarian in nature and others that I don't. The best thing about this page is that I used mostly scraps or older products that I was thinking of throwing away.

Supplies: Paper-Bazzill, Basic Grey, Ruby Rocket, Alphabet Stickers-Creative Imaginations, Borders-Paper Frills by Doodlebug Design, Ink-Tim Holtz Vintage Photo by Ranger Industries, Punch-EK Success.

The last theme that I had to create a layout for was  "My Dirty Little Secret." We had to use black and white papers/embellishments with a "splash" of any color we wanted. The instructions also stated that we had to use only a photo of ourselves, with the journaling being the primary attraction to the page.

Supplies: Paper-My Minds Eye (Meadow Lark Collection-"Dawn" White Polka Dot), Ink-Memento, Blue Border-Bazzil, Flowers-Prima, Brad-Doodlebug Design, Corner Rounder-EK Success, Alphabet Stickers-Scenic Route Paper Company and Cosmo Cricket.

My "secret" isn't really dirty in nature but is about how I love books, movies and television shows about vampires, witches and magic. I also used the same photo that I used on the astrology page that Charlotte took of me a few years ago. Wish I looked that good in real life!!

If you ever have a chance to be part of a circe journal, take it. It is a lot of fun to find out random things about your friends!!


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