
Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, Monday!!

Happy Monday! Ok, there really isn't anything "happy" about Monday but it is almost over and that is a good thing. I am ready for Friday. How sad is it that I now live for the weekends? I cannot seem to get anything done during the week, with the except of cooking dinner-and if you knew me, that is an accomplishment in itself. I do not have a huge love of cooking but am trying to shake up my meals this new year. So far the family has been receptive and I haven't poisoned anyone!

Today I am going to share a few projects I created last week. Two separate people at work lost someone in their life so I made some sympathy cards and a little treat bucket for my friend to cheer her up.

The first card I used a bunch of scraps to create. The background is an old piece of Basic Grey paper and the butterfly is a Cuttlebug die cut. It is very simple and I love the way it came out.

The second card I created I used the Paper Trey Ink Anniversary stamp set for the focal point image. I really love this stamp and will definitely be making all different occasion cards with this set.

The ribbon is seam binding that I dyed myself using Tattered Angels mist spray. I dyed a bunch during this session and it was fun EXCEPT I didn't use gloves. I had blue hands for a few days!! I will be using this technique again but next time I will variegate the color. I like the solid look of the ribbon but showing some of the white background of the seam binding would also be pretty.

Excuse the photograph for this third project. It was dark and I don't have a light box!! To make this,  I used a bucket I had lying around and filled it with some candy that I know my friend enjoys. I then wrapped it in tulle and tied it with a satin ribbon. I created the tag using Paper Trey Ink's Tag Its #3 stamp, Fillable Frames #1 stamp and a bunch of die cuts to layer the stamped images on. I really like how this came out and will be making a few more as occasions come up.

Wishing you a great night!!!

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