
Monday, February 6, 2012

Paper Trey Ink Anniversary Day #2, Card #2

Three posts in one day? That is unheard of for me!! I created another card for Paper Trey Ink's day 2 anniversary challenge. I used the free image designed by Dawn McVey. I want to be her when I grow up!!! (though I know I am older then her by about 10 years) I LOVE her style!!

My card didn't come out the way I pictured it but that is ok. You would think this took me minutes to make but took hours because I played around with ribbon to try and make a nice bow but it just didn't look right. I finally decided on this floss I had in a box but it wasn't what I really wanted. I knew I should have bought the Doodlebug Twine in Bubblegum!!! It would have been perfect!

The polka dots peeking out is a  Mat Stack #3 stamped image. The "Happy Birthday" sentiment is the free image you can download from Nichole Heady's blog today. I also used some Raspberry Fizz paper and the limitless layers 1 3/4" dies once again. I think I would try this design again but with different colors.

Have a great night!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nora! I've been loving looking at all your lovely creations. I was stopping by to let you know that I have nominated you for the Leibster Award, check out my post, and remember to pass it on!

    Sorry my comment sounds so Spamish......


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