
Monday, January 21, 2013

A Little Sympathy

This weekend I had to make two sympathy cards. I never have these type of cards in my stash and one of the recipients is way over due. I hope there is not an etiquette requirement for the receiving a sympathy card because if so, I failed miserably.

Both of the cards I made have a similar design and color scheme. I cannot say the design is my own. It is CASE from I card I saw on Pinterest but apparently didn't pin. I thought I had a link but for the life of me, I cannot find it.

The first card I created for a friend that lost her father-in-law on Friday. I think it is a simple, yet beautiful card. I printed out a sentiment I found on the web for the inside but I didn't photograph it.

Here is a side view of the card. The heart is dimensional.

The second card I created for a friend at work. She lost her mother over Christmas. I have a hard time writing out cards for people that lose their mother because of my own experience. There is nothing I can say that will make anyone feel better about it. I did include a butterfly (something that symbolizes rebirth!) and on the inside I used an Emily Dickinson quote for the sentiment.

That is all for today. Thank you for stopping by!! I hope my subject did not depress you too much but will give you simple ideas for future cards of your own. Have a great day!!


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