
Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's a Bake Sale!!

I wanted to share how proud I am of my nephew, Kyle. This is the third year in a row he did a bake sale to raise money for Share Our Strength, an organization that uses funds end hunger in America through education, partnerships with schools and national business, as well as . According to the web site, 16.2 million children in the USA lack the means to get nutritious food on a regular basis. I guess the campaign a few years ago was to have kids raise money by having a bake sale so that is what he has been doing for the last three years. He raised over $1100 this year. This is only being open two days after masses at church!!

The thing that impresses me the most is that Kyle solicits donations himself. He went to local business to ask for donations of gift cards and even wrote letters to national chains, like Stop & Shop and Target.  All the baking was done by family and friends, including all natural pet snacks, and every year he has had a raffle of some sort. This year it was 5 sets of two tickets to RAVE cinemas. I think this kid will be owning his own business one day!!

I hope that you all have a wonderful day!!


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