
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 4 of Christmas Fun…Yet Another Tag

Happy Hump Day!! I hope you are all having a great Wednesday morning. The work week is halfway over!!!

Are you sick of my Christmas tags yet? I hope not!! Here is another one I created.

I have to admit something on this tag. I had stamped and colored this little bear a couple years ago. I then never used it. I found it while cleaning up this weekend so I decided to use it. I cut it out and placed it on a stamped tag. This tag took no time at all because I already had the image. Note to self…stamp and color images ahead of time to use at a later date!!!

Here is a closer look:

Thank you for stopping buy. I hope you have a wonderful day!!


1 comment:

  1. Did you pierce around the white card or sew? It's amazingly even. What a cute tag.


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