
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, a Few Resolutions and my top Ten projects for 2013

Happy 2014 everyone!! I hope this year is the BEST yet!!

Just so you know, this post is extra long. Please be patient and have fun reading it!!

I don't usually make new year "resolutions" per say but rather small goals that I try to meet each year. This year, I have both personal and creative goals that I want to work toward. If I reach them, fine, if I don't, then I don't beat myself up over them. They are just guidelines for me to think about when I am going through my day or week.

Here are my craft related resolutions:
  • scrapbook at least one page per week
  • create at least two cards per week 
  • to complete at least one simple sewing project
  • to learn to use my camera on manual mode
  • double my blog readership AND blog on a more regular basis
  • to get on a stamp/die manufacturer design team
I know I need to set some time aside every day for me to do some of this stuff and I think that I just might have to "schedule" the time in for me to meet these goals. How many days do you do something for it to become a habit?

My personal resolutions are going to be a little more tricky.

  • to practice random acts of kindness on a daily basis (This can include anything from sending a card to someone I haven't talked to in a while, to helping someone carry their packages to their car, to buying someone lunch that I don't know. I just want to make someone feel good.)
  • to continue to exercise so I will fit into the clothes I have come summer. (I started this in December and am so glad that I did. I feel good and even though I still don't love it, going to the gym or walking outside has become part of the routine I do every day.)
  • to be more organized
  • to learn some basic Italian for our Italy trip this summer
  • to not be afraid of flying, staying in a hotel (I am cannot relax in them) and worry about public bathrooms while I am in Italy (yes, this is a thing for me!)
  • to spend more time with friends!!!
  • to be in more photographs
I will re-visit these lists throughout the year and maybe add something or cross out something that I complete.

Enough of what my goals are for the future!! Here are my favorites from this past year. Some I blogged about, some I didn't. I don't blog about everything I make but I do photograph it and most often if it is not here, it is uploaded to and, my homes away from home.

Number one is a layout I created this past month about our family tradition of wearing Santa hats on Christmas day. Of course, this year I could not find the darn hats and so I will have to buy new ones for next year. It even has a picture of me in it which is a plus. I do not like having my photo taken, hence one of my goals for the year!!


My second favorite was created in February and is about our trip to Universal Studio two years ago. I made it for a challenge I posted at I had fun punching all the little circles and using paint for the dots, as well as using tape, stamps and paper scraps for the strips on the top and bottom of the page. Again there is a photo of me on the page so that makes it even better!!


My third favorite project of this year was this bag and matching tag that I created for a a Paper Trey Ink challenge. You can see it in this post here for supplies.

Number four was created as homework for the online summer card class that I took in July. I had never taken an online class like this before and it was a fantastic experience. If it is offered again this summer, I will definitely be taking it. See this post for supplies.

My number five favorite creation was also done as homework for the summer card class. I love placing different elements on an angle and it also has a word balloon! Word balloons are a 2013 obsession that I will continue with in 2014.


My sixth favorite is another layout that I posted at and I used word balloons to journal in and as design elements on this page. I love these fun photos I found in my camera after a sleepover Char had with her cousins.


Number seven is a card I created for my neighbor who graduated high school this year. I created the tassel for the hat myself. I actually never posted this anywhere. I think it is because though I made the card, the design is not my own.

Number eight was a layout I created for another challenge and was WAY out of my comfort zone. I used Gelato paints over the patterned paper. It was very free form and so much fun. I probably should add have more fun with scrapbooking as a goal for 2014!!


My number 9th favorite project is actually two of four different cards that I designed for my friend's birthday. I made a set of eight cards to give her, two of each design. She loves sunflowers and Lawn Fawn's "Our Friendship Grow's" stamp and die set with the sunflower motif was perfect.



My 2013 FAVORITE project of the year is one I created in November. It is a card that I used stamps from Lawn Fawn to make. I think this is one of my favorite stamp sets for all time!!


So there you have it-my favorite projects from this year. I hope you enjoyed this post. I am always happy to hear your comments!! Happy New Year.



  1. I've enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your beautiful cards and layouts! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Wow! What a great mix of projects! Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!

  3. Nora...wanted to come and thank you for your sweet comment on my PTI cards...I appreciate your visit! And I picked a great post of yours to check ALL of these projects...but that bag and tag...I think that one is my favorite...perfectly sweet set!!!


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