
Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Few Scrapbook Pages

Kind of a lazy Sunday this week. I have been up to my eyeballs in Valentine projects as of late. I think I am done with pink and red for a while!!

I thought I would share a few layouts with you today rather then my usual cards. I had fun using Doodlebug products on the layout below. Here is the link for specific supplies. I am too lazy to go through it all today.

I created this page about my daughter turning thirteen. I am not sure who is going to make it through this age-her or me. I really do not know how my mother did it with four kids, three being girls. I also know I was TOUGH at this age. Char is a lot better then I was but she still is testing limits!!

On my second page, I had fun using sequins around the edge of my photos. I use these all the time on my cards so I thought it would be fun to use on a layout too.

(Click here for supplies.)
Char is turning eleven in these photos. Notice the glasses and the braces in the first photo? Both are gone! She decided on contacts that summer and her braces came off this past summer. Time sure is flying!!

(Click here for supplies)
This last page that I am sharing is not my favorite but it is a memorable moment. The story is all about Char's first Valentine gift from a boy. Of course, I don't have a date on this because I never documented it. Great mother!! I "think" this was from sixth grade? I cannot remember in my old age.

Thanks for visiting today. Have a great night!!


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