
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Flash Back Friday…a Day Late

What a crazy week this has been!! Snow days, doctors' appointments for both Charlotte and I, minor surgery on Charlotte's ear and a girls night out hosted at my house last night. No wonder I am late with this post!!

I am actually disappointed in myself because I issued the challenge over at It was to create a card using any OLD supply that you had. It could have been paper, stamps, stickers, etc. To say I am a bit of a "collector" is an understatement. I have a store in my room. So for me, this challenge was quite easy.

I modeled my card over an old Nichole Heady card that I saw on Pinterest. However, I had to make it my own. First, for my OLDEST supply, I used one of the first stamps I ever bought from Stampin Up! (Script-retired) with Kraft ink stamped onto vanilla card stock. I then cut the piece of stamped paper into a 2" by 4 1/4" strip and adhered it onto an Aqua Mist card base. I then cut a few scraps from my drawer into small strips, inked them and adhered them to the card.

Next I cut a 3" by 3" of Kraft card stock and stamped a Mehndi Medallion using Kraft ink. Next I layered images and a sentiment using Aqua Mist, Pure Poppy and Smokey Shadow ink. Using foam adhesive, I then adhered the square to the background card. My last step was to use Diamond Stickles o add a little more zing to the inside of the flowers.

This card is for a dear woman who lost her husband this week to leukemia. It was very unexpected and I have been heart sick over her loss all week. How I detest cancer and cannot believe with all our science we have not figured out a way to prevent it. I know that each case is unique but I can still wish!

Thank you for stopping by today. I will be posting another project momentarily to join in for Paper Trey Ink's seventh anniversary.

Script Stamp and Vanilla Card Stock-Stampin Up!
Striped Paper-My Minds Eye


  1. So pretty! The little touch of red and sparkle with the other colours is unusual and delightful. It's a darling card.
    Rosey x

  2. I love how you layered the stamps on this card Nora.


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