
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Homework Day 1 & 2 of Clean and Simple 3 Class

Hey everyone!! I have a few quick posts to make tonight. They will be quick because I am not supposed to be on the computer for any length of time and have been on longer then I should have been today. I suffer from a concussion from hitting my head in the bathroom last Sunday night (don't ask) and have had a little trouble this week with it all. Haven't had much screen time because I am not supposed to be using the computer, watch TV or even use my phone and exercise is out. Cannot say it has been the most fun week. However, before my MD's diagnosis on Thursday (yes, I did wait 4 days to finally go to the doctor), I did get to view some of this weeks Clean and Simple 3 Class that I had  signed up for before all this happened. The doctor gave me the OK to be able to craft-something I am grateful for because I am BORED!!

The first day of class was all about faux effects. For my first card, I used Debby Hughes technique of inlaid die cuts. Here is the card I created.

I inlaid the piece of patterned paper and the thanks. I then stamped all the little dots and added a few sequins and a bit of Stickles.

This is a fun technique and I even used it again but that is getting ahead of myself.

Things I learned from making this card:
Measure twice, cut once. I originally had a different piece of patterned paper I wanted to use for the middle. I did not cut it right so I had to go with plan B. Also, the die cut left kind of a "ghost" around it in some areas. I might have to replace one of my cutting plates?

The thing I had a difficult time with was actually sticking to a one layer card. I know I added the sequins but I thought it just needed them!!

That is all for this moment. Will be posting 3 other posts tonight so stay tuned. Oh, and I will NOT be posting supply links tonight. Again, trying to keep my screen time to as minimum as possible.



  1. Love the colors on this, Nora! This class is just full of wonderful ideas isn't it?


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