
Monday, March 10, 2014

Retro Sketch #105

Happy Monday!! Today I am sharing a card I created for the Retro Sketch blog challenge. I was to use the sketch below to create my card.

I actually was going to combine this with a watercolor challenge but I got stuck. I kind of put myself in a corner with the patterned paper I used. I dug it out, cut it and adhered it to my white card before I thought about how it would look with a water colored element. Since the paper looks like it is water colored, I could not make it work. The card below is what it evolved to.

I did not use a button like on the sketch. After I gave up on the water coloring, this card came together rather easily. The main element is a die cut from My Mind's Eye. 

Here is a close up of the bottom. I promise that the banner is not crooked. Not sure why it looks like that in both these photos!!

The die cut was adhered to the card using adhesive foam to give it a little dimension. For all the trouble I had coming up with what I wanted to create, I am happy with how this came out.

Thank you for stopping by!! Have a great day!!




  1. Gorgeous card Nora! I love the sweet bird and fancy lace! The pearls add such a touch of elegance!

  2. Super pretty card. I love that trim. Also took a peek at your craft room, and I am green with envy--just like your walls.

  3. I like the pink with that die cut!

    In response to your question about glitter on a card - the Scrappy Tape (I've also used Scor-Tape in the past) hold it down pretty well and the glitter doesn't fall off the card, even when I rub my fingers across it. It is still messy when I'm applying the glitter to the card - that's unavoidable. :) The other thing I do is use my finger to press the glitter down onto the tape. You should definitely give it a try!

  4. Tried to leave a comment prior to this and it errored out on me - boo!

    I like the pink with the die cut on your card!

    In response to your question about the glitter falling off the card, I've found the Scrappy Tape/Scor-Tape to be pretty effective at keeping the glitter on and it doesn't seem to come off even when I rub my fingers over the glitter. It's still messy when you apply the glitter and that's unavoidable. :) I also use my finger to press the glitter down on the tape so it adheres well. You should definitely give it a try!


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