
Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Few Layouts

Hello everyone!! I haven't been blogging, though I have had the time. I lost my card mojo. I get so mad at myself when this happens. I attempted to do some challenges but I wound up throwing them all away. (Yes, I do throw things away if I cannot save it. It kills me sometimes because of the time it takes to create!) I even have some fun new-to-me products sitting on my desk too, but nothing was shouting out at me to use.

I also have not been crafting because I sprained my ankle exercising the other day and have had to keep my right foot elevated for the past three days. I now have to wear a boot for the next two weeks. It is very fashionable...NOT!

Today I am going to post three layouts that I worked on in between my failed attempts at card making. Sometimes I have to go between crafts for me to get my creativity back. Does that happen to you?

All products from all pages were purchased from, with the exception of the frames on the dog page. These were purchased at Designer Digitals. has been my go-to place for scrapbook supplies for some time. When I buy, I tend to buy a lot. Shh Shhh-don't tell my husband!

My first page is a birthday page. I layered patterned paper by Bo bunny over a fun Crate Paper base. My process for this was to find the photos first, trim them and then arrange the patterned paper pieces freely over the base paper. I don't do this enough and I should because it was fun.


I have other photos from this birthday that I plan to put in pocket page protectors. I will journal about what went on at the party at a later date. (dinner, bingo, cupcakes and make your own sundaes) I just did not feel like getting into it on this page.

I think one of my favorite parts of this layout is the transparency over the left photo. I even ordered some different kinds last week because I had a blast playing with them again. I might even try to use one on a future card.

The second layout features my dog, Zack, whom I call Stinky. Why? Well, he is constantly getting into stuff and is a "little stinker," hence the nickname. His many escapades are a source of amusement for the kids I work with.

This page is about how Charlotte won a pet photo contest at her orthodontist office. We took Stinky outside and had a little photo shoot on our deck so we would have the "perfect photo." To get the "kiss" photo, we put peanut butter on Charlotte's nose!! I then let Char choose which photo she wanted to enter into the contest.


This page is really simple. I layered paper, some die cuts and used another transparency over the photo that won. Don't you love his underbite?

I saved my favorite page for last. These photos are not the best and so I cropped them into circles. They were of when Charlotte and our neighbor had a lemonade stand. Char and the boy did this frequently and made a lot of money. One time they made $20 each!! The two of them were so cute, shouting at the top of their lungs to people walking or driving by.


I started off by misting the paper. I did not love where the mist was going so I misted a craft sheet and used a paint brush to place dots where I wanted them on the background card stock. I have seen this technique used on cards so I figured I would try it on a layout.

I then had a blast die cutting circles out of different pieces of patterned paper. Circles are my favorite shape! I used no rhyme or reason when I laid them together with the photos. I just adhered them down right away as I placed them. I am really pleased with how it all came together.

Well, that is all for today. I hope you all have a great night!!



  1. Fabulous layouts Nora. Your card making mojo might have disappeared but these are fabulous.

  2. Nora - I am in agreement with Alanna - these are fabulous layouts and your cardmaking mojo might have gone but you are doing scrapbook layouts like a super PRO!! I like all the fun things you did to each layout like the transparencies and the circle pictures!! Just awesome!!

  3. Oh Nora, I lose my mojo all the time and a lot of projects get tossed. Glad your creative side surfaced again these are fabulous layouts.

    Hugs Diane


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