
Monday, August 25, 2014

Case This Sketch #89 from "The Mess on my Desk"

Hello everyone!! It has been awhile since I have posted anything. We took a 10 day vacation to Europe and it took me about a week to recover. We spent five nights in London and five nights in Paris. It was a lot of fun and we saw a lot of things. However, as you know, you cannot see everything. I hope to post some photos later on this week.

Today I am playing along with the Case This Sketch blog and created a card for sketch #89. This is the first card I have made in over three weeks! It was nice to get my creativity on again! I made a baby card.

The jumping off point for this card was the stamped giraffe from PTI's "Sweet Baby" set that has been sitting on my desk for two months. When I create a card, I tend to die cut and stamp more images then I need just in case I make a mistake. Often they get thrown in a pile and are never used. Today I challenged myself to make as many cards as I could and the baby card is just one of six that I created. I could probably make at least twenty or more with my "extras."

Since the giraffe was in blue and had a read heart, I chose to use PTI Spring Rain card stock for the card base. To match the little heart, I chose to use a scrap piece of patterned paper that I cut into a rectangle and rounded the edges.

Over this, I adhered two vellum flowers, a red tag and a stamped banner. The banner I adhered with foam tape because I knew I wanted to tuck at least one sequin underneath it.

My last step was to adhere the stamped giraffe using foam tape. I added a twine bow and a googly eye to finish the card off.

I know these are unusual colors for a baby card but I think it came out nice. Sometimes thinking outside of the box can pan out!!

I am proud to say that everything I used on this card with the exception of the card base was a scrap or die cut that was thrown aside. How is that for creativity?

Here is the sketch that I followed:

That is all for today. Tune in tomorrow for another card "from what is on my desk."



  1. I'd say you must have one amazing pile of scraps and awesomeness!! Can I come stamp with you?!? (wink) So glad you got to go on a trip and I know it always takes longer to recover from our vacation than we think it will but good to see you again and great card - so cute!!!

  2. Oh, this is adorable! Super sweet take on the sketch!


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