
Monday, March 2, 2015

A Day Late and a Dollar Short-Retro Sketch #154

I know I posted yesterday that I have had a hard time between creating and then having the time to blog it. This is one of those times. I made a card using Retro Sketch Challenge #154, photographed it and then did not blog about it. Now the challenge is over so I never was able to enter it. I hate when I do that!!

I figured I would post it anyway.

This card actually got me my mojo back. It has been a few weeks since I was able to sit down and be inspired to make anything.

Here is the inspiration sketch:

Instead of making a square card, I chose to make the design a square. However, the colors were NOT the inspiration for this card. I really, really wanted to use my new Paper Smooches "Roses" Wise Dies. I LOVE these flowers!!

So the first thing I did was die cut a rose and two leaves out some white paper. I then used an ink dauber with Picked Raspberry and Spun Sugar distress ink to color the rose in and Hero Art's Shadow inks for the leaves.  I am not going to go into detail about the rest of the card because it is pretty simple. I will say that my last design decision was to cover the rose in Stickles to give the flower a little bit of punch.

Don't you think it would have been too plain without the sparkle? Don't answer that because it is too late to change it and I like it.

Have a fabulous Monday. Stay warm!



  1. Nora, I LOVE the pops of color!

  2. I am in a similar boat like you too, Nora! There are so many challenges that I am trying to participate and then I forget the deadline. This kind of situation has disappointed me many time. So now, I write all the challenges and deadlines in a notebook. Glad to hear this card motivated you to some more. And, by the way, beautiful sparkly card! Those colors look so good together. And the sequins! So pretty. I need to get me some of those. :) I have become a follower of your blog. I hope you'll stop by to visit mine too. Enjoy your week!

  3. This is so gorgeous!!! Love the gray stripes and those pops of green and pink!! Lovely and just an awesomely designed card!!! So glad you got your mojo back but I am sorry you missed the dealing to enter this stunning card!!! Thinking of you and Wishing you the BEST!!!!


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