
Monday, April 27, 2015

Life Lessons and a Couple of Cards

Hello Everyone!! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.

I did not have a super jam packed weekend so it was heaven. I cleaned my downstairs, deep cleaned my kitchen and scrubbed my kitchen floor, which was so needed. We are not shoes off people, though I have thought about instituting that rule. I would be the first one to break it, though, because I have to have something on my feet at all times. It is one of my "quirks."

Last week my daughter Charlotte learned a few life's lessons. The robot team made nationals and she wanted to take the trip to St. Louis to compete. However, her grades have NOT been stellar this year and we had to tell her no. I would have been a bad mother if I let her go. Every time she has been out this year, she does not hand in the work she has missed. Char was a bit peeved, to say the least. However, between a school meeting with all her teachers a month ago and this "consequence," I believe that Charlotte has finally gotten the hint that she needs to do better in school. (Not that we have not been trying to get her to understand this all year, but that is a whole different story!!) Freshman year has been tough and I am looking forward to summer. June cannot come fast enough.

Charlotte also got the disappointing news that she was not being moved up to the next level in her jazz/hip hop class. The studio we go to does not have a competition dance team so the regular class standards sometimes can be tough. The owner is not my favorite person either and some of the things she does irk me. That said, Charlotte is the one that insists on continuing at this place and she knows how this woman is. Charlotte has come to the conclusion that she will no longer be taking this genre of dance next year. She doesn't want to dance with eleven year olds when she will be turning fifteen. For once I support the decision because this class is on Saturday and now we won't have to worry about it when she has a robot competition.

Enough about how tough it is to grow up. We have all been a teen!!

I want to share a couple of cards I created from the mess on  my desk. Like I have said before, I often die cut and stamp a plethora of images when I make a card. Then I have a ton of left overs when I am done. I tend to tuck them away and often throw them out when I do a large cleaning. I am trying not to do that anymore. Below is a card that was totally designed around the "extra" WPlus9 Flowers I had made.

I just picked a piece of patterned paper to match the flowers first and then layered them over each other using a combination of dot and foam adhesive.

It was so simple that I created another but used a different sentiment.

I like this on better the first, I must admit. I had this scrap of pink paper and it was perfect for the background.

On both cards I used Stickles to give the flowers a little "sparkle" and "shine."

Well, that is all for today. I thank you for taking the time to stop by!!

Stamps-WPlus9, Paper Trey Ink, and Lawn Fawn


  1. If you ever get the urge again to throw those things on your desk out - you have my address - send them to me!! I am always so impressed at what YOU have on your desk - ALWAYS amazed!! YOU make some of the coolest cards and I love seeing your talents so clearly in your beautiful creations!! These cards are delightful and those flowers look so perfect with both of the backgrounds you picked!! So fun!! Hope you will hug your daughter - I have a 15 year old girl too - I know how moody they can get and the school struggles are real - we have faced so many with our daughter!! Keep up the good work - you are a great mom!! Have a happy day!!

  2. Hi Nora, thanks for all your blog comments! Not easy to have a teenage daughter - I don't envy you. I had one...thankfully we got through this time! Fab cards - I especially love your second one - the solid background color just makes your little flower bouquet shine!

  3. Lovely cards Nora and it's a bonus when the embellishments are already made. I love how you stage your photograph with the buttons by the way - just lovely!I have this stamp set and keep meaning to get it out but I think I am put off by all the tiny elements - the very thing that attracted me to in the first place, so just call me Contrary Mary!
    I'm sure that once Charlotte has forgotten that she is peeved with you, she will realise that you made the best decision for her future. Hang in there.
    Carol x

  4. What beautiful cards! I Love the red background with the pretty cluster of flowers!

  5. How inspiring you are, Nora! I'm so proud of you for tackling your Xtras and making such beautiful cards with them! I have found that if I don't make two or three cards right then and there, I rarely get back to the Xtras, so this was inspirational! I'm also proud of you for parenting your daughter. It's so tough to be strict, but it truly is worth it one day for both the parents and the child! Way to go! Hugs, Darnell

  6. These turned out wonderfully, I love the bright colors in the flowers!

  7. What a mom you deserve the mom of the year award in my opinion. So proud of you. It is always so hard to not give in to our children but they really need to learn lifes lessons.
    Your cards are fabulous. I love how you used those sweet WP9 flowers, I forget that I own them as well, now I need to pull them out for a play date...thank you for the wonderful inspiration!


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