
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Creative Timing

Hello everyone!! I hope life is treating you all well. It has been one quick month here. I cannot believe it will be Memorial Day tomorrow. I have about 22 more days of work and then will be out for the summer. I cannot wait!!

We spent the day yesterday planting flowers and our vegetable garden. No photos right now. I always hate what my pots look like when I first plant them. They are so bare!! It has been a beautiful weekend-in the 70's, no humidity. Perfect for being outside.

This morning Chris, Charlotte and I went to Foxwoods Casino to check out the new outlet mall there. This is not a place I would go myself or even with a friend-it would be very dangerous. Eating, gambling AND shopping is a very bad combination for me. I like to do all three!!! We would be broke after I got done. Charlotte was able to find a bunch of things for herself at this mall. Charlotte had a bit of a growth spurt this year and could not wear any of the tops she had bought last summer. We never have time to shop together so it was nice for her to pick out things instead of me picking stuff out, bringing them home for her approval and then bringing back what she does not like. However, since we do not have a lot of time to shop, this is how we have to do it most of the time. Chris just hung out today, holding the bags and watching us spend. After, we had lunch at Junior's in the casino. Such a nice outing.

Today I am sharing a layout and a card that I created. I have not been in my craft room all that much, with the exception of putting away purchases that I SHOULD NOT have made. Once June hits, I do not have a paycheck coming in for a couple months so any kind of shopping will not be going on. I am hoping to create a lot of things with what I have.

The first project I am sharing is a scrapbook page of Charlotte. She had just gotten a hair cut, highlighted and a strip of her hair colored pink. This is not something we have done since. I was trying to get her to leave her hair down more by getting her hair styled but it did not work.

I had fun layering a bunch of products on this. I usually plan my pages to death but for this, I just layered pieces of patterned paper, die cuts and also did a bit of stamping at the bottom. I just noticed that the "L" in the title is lower case and the rest is upper case. This is because I did not have any more "L's" on my sticker sheet. Sometimes you have to improvise! For a complete list of supplies, please access the link above.

The second project I am sharing is a birthday card. For some reason I am obsessed right now with making them. Not sure why but right now cup cake images are some of my favorite-in stamping and in real life. Who can resist a delicious home made cup cake? Not me!

I used a stencil and some green ink to create the polka dot background. The strips of paper were just scraps I had that matched the yummy cup cakes from Paper Trey Ink's "Baker's Dozen" set. I have to say that this cup cake set is one of my favorites. There are so many yummy images to color in!!

I used some glossy accents on the rose, strawberry and cherry, as well as clear Wink of Stella on the cup cake wrappers. Hard to see from this photo.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday and enjoying themselves. I thank you for taking the time to stop by!!

Supplies for Birthday Card:
Stamps-Paper Trey Ink
Paper-Stamper's Select White by Paper Trey Ink, Scraps
Ink-Memento "Tuxedo Black" and Hero Arts "Soft Green"
Dies-My Favorite Things (circle) and Paper Trey Ink (cupcakes)
Other-Sequins, Glossy Accents, Wink of Stella, Doodlebug Designs Twine "Bubblegum," Foam Adhesive, Big Shot


  1. Fabulous layout and card Nora! I am so behind on visiting these days, working on catching up! :)

  2. Oh Nora, your layout is FABULOUS!! The colors and text background are perfect in this. Your Charlotte is so sweet and cute in her new hair color! I love your cupcake card with stenciled background. It's a perfect card to enter:
    (please take out MISTI and just stamp.. watch some You Tube videos will help, I have done a few videos ,too!) You will be amazed what you can do. HUGS!

  3. Your layout is awesome - what a cute daughter you have!! So glad you got to shop and hang out together!!! I bet the husband had fun holding the bags!! =] And your cupcake card is so delightful and sweet looking!! Yummy enough to eat and you have added some awesome details to really make those cupcakes shine!!! I hope you are doing well and good luck getting through the next 22 days!!! I will be thinking of you!!

  4. Your layout is gorgeous. It sounds like you two had an awesome day together and my hat I is tipped to your husband who knew to just stay out of the way :) We all have crafty budgets I'm sure you'll make plenty of beautiful things with what you already have! Oh and I can't resist a cupcake either ;)

  5. Beautiful lay-out and your daughter is so gorgeous too! Love her hair and the highlights! Your cupcake card is so fun and bright! Made me smile! Thank you!

  6. Your layout is so adorable!!! Her hair is super cute, for sure. Speaking of super cute, those cupcakes look scrumptious!

  7. Your layout is your sweet photos and your card, so amazing. You truly have a way with colors...just love your sweet trio of cupcakes, they look so yummy!


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