
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Another Simon Says "Super Hero" entry with Mama Elephant

Happy Thursday!! Right now I am supposed to be sitting down with some new stuff I got in the mail yesterday and today but instead I have been online commenting and now I am blogging. Chris is getting home tomorrow and I did not get any of the creative stuff done that I wanted to this week.

I also have to be very quiet as Charlotte is studying downstairs tonight. I like her to be in a public space in our house so I know she is doing what she is supposed to. Final exams can be grade killers!!

I have also been browsing blogs and seeing MORE new things that I want. I am loving the new color stamp pads from Simon Says Stamp.
Aren't they so happy and fun? I need more ink like I need a hole in the head so these are not something that I am going to be able to purchase right away. I already have trouble storing what I do have.

I also NEED that new "Many Thanks" set of stamps that they did with WPlus9.
I love the watercolor look and could see me making many beautiful cards. I think I need to purge a little before I can justify buying this set, though.

Then there is the new sneak peek from Mama Elephant. They posted previews of some of their new sets yesterday. I am in big trouble!!

Then last but not least, the new release from Paper Trey Ink that is being revealed. Wow!! I need to win the lotto!

My card supplies that I have not cracked open are starting to take over my room and I need to begin to have a little self control. I sometimes wish that there would be more time in between the releases too. By the time I get a stamp set that I want, there are 15 other new ones that come out from that company that are on a wish list. My goal this summer is to have fun with what I have. Am I the only one that is swimming with unused stuff?

Now for why I REALLY wrote this post tonight-my last Mama Elephant "Tiny Heroes" card that I wanted to share. This one is more for a little boy and I used primary colors for the card.

(I apologize for the blue sticking up at the top. I did not notice it until I took the photo and cut it off.)

I am not going to do a step by step of what I did for this because I think you get the idea by just looking at it. The blue paper is a bit of a stretch for me, though. It was a sparkle paper that I had in my stash. One of those things I bought YEARS ago and could not part with. I knew I would find somewhere to use it and this was perfect under that white die cut. This is why I have trouble purging. You never know when you will need it!

Once again, I am entering this into Simon Says Stamps Wednesday Challenge-"Friends or Superhero."

I think this suits the bill perfectly!! They are also showcasing Mama Elephant, which is one of my FAVORITE stamp companies. (I have a lot of favorites, though!!)

I want to thank you for stopping by tonight. I hope you have a fabulous Friday!1



  1. Nora, my darling friend - yes, I am positively swimming in unused, and unopened products!! I LOVE your card and I too, have some of that blue sparkly paper - I had to have it too!! Your card is SUPER DUPER cool and I really think the blue paper adds to the super hero feel of it!! Your coloring is so good and I just love seeing your cards - they make me feel so happy!! I hope you have a great night and that your daughter does well on her exams!! Take care and I will be by again soon!!

  2. Number one, your card is super duper cool! That bold, blue element is a GENIUS design move! And I kinda hate you a little bit in my heart for showing me that "Many Thanks" set because now I kinda... need... it.

  3. Like you, my wish list gets LONGER by the day...thanks for sharing some new links that I was not aware of (now the list is even longer!!) This is some super duper card!! Love it to bits, Nora! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Friends/Super Hero” Challenge!

  4. So cute! Love that chevron coverplate in the background!

  5. OH, Nora! I feel exactly like you! I have completely put my spending on a freeze because I was buying more than I make in a week salary. I am only using supplies I have on hand. I still have supplies from my scrapbooking days and am slowly incorporating those supplies to my cardmaking as well. I know sometime it's uninspiring to use the same stamp images more than a few times, but I try hard to use different layouts and designs to make it fresh.

    Your card today is super cute! I love the silhouette of the city in the background. I also love that you added that white die-cut. Makes it look even more unique. :) I hope you'll have a great weekend!

  6. Nora...your card is simply fabulous! I love your sweet little super hero's, just too darn cute!
    I totally get what were saying about all those new stamps and just never ends does it and I do believe you have figured out the answer to the problem...winning the lottery!

  7. So cute, Nora ... your sweet little super hero is fabulous against that awesome layered background! I can so relate with all the new releases coming out at the moment ... we need a crafter's lotto!! Anita :)

  8. Oh Nora, the number of times I have said I will operate a one thing in, one thing out policy but not implemented it! I have so much NBUS that I am embarrassed to admit to, but like you I can resist anything but temptation, and these talented card artists are temptresses of the most spectacular kind!I have to stop thinking of them as artists and think of them as salespeople I think. By the time I get to using my new stuff it has become old stuff and everyone has already thought of all the wonderful ways it can be used, so I end up feeling I am copying rather than creating. Oh dear, you have released my inner ranter lol!
    On to your wonderful Superhero cards with are all such fun cards. I particularly like this one with the chevron backing, and the cityscape background is an inspired idea.
    Hope you are having a good weekend.
    Carol x

    1. Carol, that is so funny that you mentioned the artists being sales people because that is exactly what I think when new releases come out! Lol!

  9. I was just checking out your work and wanted to say you are one talented crafter!! I am amazed by your coloring and accuracy. Just wonderful work Nora! As of now I am proudly your newest follower!! So looking forward to seeing more of your work!!


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