
Thursday, July 23, 2015

My Favorite Things Summer School Lesson #10-Monochromatic

It is Thursday here in blog land. This week has flown by!! I have spent a lot of time in my craft room while Charlotte has been at camp. This is her last week and I know she is going to want to go places when she is stuck at home.

Here are a few photos of her for Throwback Thursday.

These are when she didn't mind her curly hair!! Now she wears it in a braid EVERY DAY. 

Today I am showcasing a card that I created for My Favorite Things Summer School: Lesson 10-Monochromatic. These classes have been free on their blog and even though I "know" all this stuff, I like to refresh my design skills and create projects for the challenges to practice.

I am warning you that this post will be heavy on the photos today. I kind of took photos of the process, something I only do occasionally. 

Here is my card. The color I chose to emphasize is blue, if you cannot tell.

I started off by smooshing watered down Distress Ink in Stormy Sky and Broken China onto a piece of watercolor paper. (Please excuse the mess on my desk-I have a few projects I have been working on this week and am still not quite done!!)

I wanted to do an inlaid die cut technique on the edge of the card so I used post it tape to back the edge of the paper where I was going to make the cut. 

I then used My Favorite Things "Flutter of Butterflies" lace die to cut out a butterfly. 

I then put MORE post it tape on the back and made sure all the little pieces were glued into place and would not fall out. 

Next I took the panel and used watered down Distress Ink in the same colors I used before and splattered the front of the card. (I wish I had left the white space like it is on here. I like it a lot better!) When it dried, I stamped the sentiment. I am using this as a sympathy card. 

I then adhered three different scraps of patterned paper on the edge of a white top folding A2 card. I used foam adhesive to adhere the butterfly panel to the card.

My last step was to cover the butterfly in clear Wink of Stella and adhere a few sequins randomly around the butterfly. 

This was a fun card to do and I think I will be making a few more of these to have on hand. However, I will not be splattering "extra" ink on it. I think it would have looked better if I had left the white space. This is what "homework" in crafting is all about, though. Practice eventually makes perfect!!

I am entering this into the drawing at My Favorite Things Lesson #10 and for Simon Says Stamp Work it Wednesday Challenge-July, which was to use die cuts. 

I think you for taking the time to stop by today. Have a wonderful night!



  1. Hi, Nora! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my MFT cards! Had to come check out YOURS!;) Love this one! Such a trendy look, and I love the colors you've chosen! I enjoyed your other Summer School creations, too, but my favorite…that adorable penguin for the sketch! That deep aqua is beautiful, and you're right…those bright pink polka dots are PERFECT!!! LOVE that card! Thank you again for visiting!!!

  2. Fabulous share, Nora! Love seeing your creative process! The inking and splatter are beautiful!

  3. Your daughter is so cute! For some reason I was thinking your daughter was much older like in her teen. Not sure why. Hmmm.

    Such a beautiful design! I love the random splatters and the fun mix of patterned papers on the side of your card. Thanks for sharing your process!

  4. Wow! What a super cool background! I love that butterfly! Charlotte will be grateful when she gets older and her holds curl while her straight haired friends doesn't . . full disclosure . . . I type that as I sit here with my curly hair in a braid :)

  5. So, so lovely and I am just in awe of you - you have done such a great job with the summer school classes!!! Good for you!! Your daughter is adorable and I enjoyed seeing these pics - please take care and I hope you are doing well!!

  6. I love monochrome cards Nora and this one is so special! I love the spattered effect on the front and the the great use of complementary patterned papers! Great inlay technique too.
    Carol x

  7. Fantastic! Love the splatter and the background and how subtle the butterfly is!

  8. Greetings Nora, love the card design and what adorable pictures and post.

    Hugs Diane


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