
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

#Time Out Challenges and the Mess on my Desk

Happy Hump Day!! I cannot believe it is JULY already. My vacation is flying by and I don't want it to. I like the summer. I actually have the time to get things done!!

This week has been very busy. Yesterday I was a cleaning machine. I took everything off my counters and cleaned them, as well as washed most of the outside of the cupboards. Then I straightened out one of the closets. My goal for the summer is to go through all of the closets in this house. I also washed, folded and put away a ton of laundry.

Another goal is to kick it up at the gym. I went Sunday and Monday but pooped out yesterday. Part of it is because I have bruises all over my legs from a mishap I had at the gym on Sunday. I dropped my I pod shuffle when I was on the elliptical. As I was bending down to look for it under the machine, I fell forward over my elliptical onto another. My left ankle is now swollen as well as the bruise that covers the entire knee cap of my left knee, bruises on my shins and on my right thigh. If I was a person on the treadmill in back of me, I would have laughed my butt off. To make matters worse, I went to the front desk to have them help me because I thought the shuffle was inside the feet part but it was stuck UNDER it in a place I could not see at first. Yes, I am a dork. So today I took it easy.

My Zig Clean Color markers came today. Yeah!! I had to go to the post office to pick them up and of course I had to rip the package open to look at them.

Did I use them? No. My desk was covered in an unfinished scrap book page that had a ton of pieces. I did not want to mess the page up so I will use my markers tomorrow.

When I got home, this is what I found on my kitchen table.

My dog likes to get on the kitchen table while we are gone so he can look out the mudroom window. We have tried everything to get him to stop it minus taking the chairs out from the table completely. If there is any type of paper on it when he finds his way up, he will shred it with his paws and his teeth. This is the work that Charlotte did at Chinese Camp yesterday. So yes, sometimes dogs do eat kids homework!!! Little stinker.

Finally my card!! I used the inspiration photo from Time Out Challenges to get my creative juices going. Here is my card:

This is the inspiration photo that I had to use.

I primarily used the colors for my card. I originally tried to use pieced chevrons but wound up throwing everything out and starting over. I knew what ever shape I used, I was going to attempt to utilize some of the mess on my desk as card elements.

I started this card by die cutting the Horizontal Stripes Cover Plate die by Paper Trey Ink from five different pieces of card stock, as well as my sentiment.

I then sat down and placed different colored strips into one of the die cuts. Next I die cut two circle frames, one from a scrap piece of patterned paper and one from some white glitter paper.

I was not sure which frame I was going to use so I played around with the design a little bit to see which one I was going to use.

I decided for this card that the pattern paper looked the best. Besides, it was also the same color and had some of the shapes from the inspiration photo. The bear still looked kind of blah so I decided to go back to the Pandamonium set by Mama Elephant to see what decorative element I could use to spruce it up.

I decided to use the stick and the large lantern image. I stamped both of them and colored the large lantern in with Copic Markers.

I then used the matching dies to cut the images out with my Big Shot.

Now it was time to assemble the card. First I adhered the cover plate pieces to a white A-2 card base. Next I glued down the circle frame and then the sentiment.

I then covered the back of the Panda the stick and the lantern with foam adhesive. Since these images were the focal point, I thought it was important to give them some dimension.

My last step was to cover the lantern in clear Wink of Stella, glue on the tiny google eyes and adhere the pink enamel heart.

This card is a bit bright but I LOVE how it came out. I have enough to make a few more of these cards, which I will do at a later date. None of my "extras" can go to waste!!

That is all for today. I hope you all enjoy this first day of July. Thank you for stopping by!!



  1. This is so clever Nora and so very striking. You can really see how our photo inspired you. And you have been so busy! Hope that knee recover soon! Great to see you at TO

  2. I love how you inerpreted that inspiration picture Nora, and thanks for taking us step by step through your creative process. You ended up with a really stylish card, and that panda is so cute with the googley eyes!
    I was impressed that you are getting so much clearing out done in your vacation and if you finish the house and would like to come help me get mine done.........?
    Sorry to hear about the mishap at the gym - take care for a few days.
    Carol x

  3. Eek! So adorable! Totally love the addition of the googling eyes! Perfect! Sorry to hear about your mishap at the gym! Ouch! Take it easy on your house chores. There's always a million to do. So, take it slow if you have to. :)

  4. Ooooh! Pens! Loving the cute panda and the stripes work really well paired with him. Great take on the inspiration photo and thanks for taking the TIME OUT and joining in on the challenge. Hugs Bev x

  5. Such a fun card! Love the coverplate and the googly eyes! Can't wait to see how you like those markers!

  6. What a brilliant striped background, Nora ... and such a cutie pie of a panda with his lantern, sweet heart and googly eyes! A fabulous take on our inspiration photo! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Time Out! Anita :)

  7. Your background is stunning! And what a cute panda! Thank you for taking the TIME OUT and join us!

  8. Super cute card Nora. Love the striped background and the different colors. That panda is so sweet.

  9. Your card is just adorable!! I love all the different shades of pink!!

  10. Awwww this little panda is soooooo adorable!! I can't believe you made that stripey pattern! I totally thought it was DP. As for your doggy, he seems like a little troublemaker!! Haha! And you definitely deserve to take it easy after that elliptical spill.

  11. Great take on the inspiration photo!! In perfection!!

  12. First thing - SORRY to be a neglectful friend!!! Second thing - I am so very sorry that you had that mishap at the gym!! I hope you are feeling better now and not hurting anymore!! Thirdly - Hooray for your markers FINALLY arriving!!! Fourthly - Your card is STELLAR, PHENOMENAL, and an extraordinary take on the inspiration photo!! You are so amazing and the things you create are so masterfully done and with such seeming ease!!! Fifthly - THANK YOU for being such a sweet, supportive and warm bloggy friend!! I truly feel SO blessed to know you!!! Have a wonderful week!!!


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