
Sunday, August 23, 2015

MUSE Card Challenge #129

Happy Sunday!! Two more days until I go back to work, three days before Char starts school. As the time nears, the more stressed I get and the more time I have actually been spending in my craft room. I did not realize how much crafting actually calms me down...that and shopping. Sometimes the two actually go hand in hand.

Speaking of shopping. I have a problem. I think I need a 12 Step Program for ink pads. Hi, my  name is Nora and I am an ink-o-haulic. These pads have all been purchased this summer (minus three that I am presently waiting on from Simon Says Stamp.) Oh wait, I forgot to add in the four distress pads I bought with the new colors. Okay, now I KNOW I have an issue.

Some are opened and some are not. None have been used at all. The horrible thing about this is that I have a cart full of the new Umbrella Inks at that I want. I really don't "need" them though.

Anyway, here is why I am really posting today. I had a chance to stamp a card for the MUSE card challenge (#129) this week. It was to use the card below as inspiration.

This card was made by Anita Bowden. If you haven't visited her blog, run over there and look. Her cards are fabulous!!

Here is my take on her card:

I originally wanted to make this only with a white background, no blue matting. HOWEVER, (surprise, surprise) I messed up on die cutting the panel and the stenciling was all done. I decided to just go with it.

I started off by using a stencil from Memory Box and blending Peacock and Cracked Pistachio Distress Ink on a piece of white card stock. I then die cut the panel and mounted it on a Hawaiian Shores A2 top folding card base.

I really wanted to add some gold on the front like the inspiration piece but was not sure how. I knew I really did not want to use sequins. I then remembered I had gold thread and so adhered that to the card.

Next I used a Paper Trey Ink die and die cut four sentiments from black card stock and adhered them together to give the word a bit of dimension. I then adhered the die cut over the thread.

My last step was to stamp the sentiment strip using a Mama Elephant stamp and adhere that to the front. Once I had the idea, this card came together so fast. I think I will be using it again.

That is all for today. I thank you for looking!!

Stencil-Memory Box


  1. A simply scrumptious take on Anita's card, love the gold thread and perfect sentiment. Sarah x

  2. Haha! Ink is tricky - finding the right colour and the best 'crispness' for clean stamping is definitely a trial-and-error process and I don't judge you a bit for wanting to try them all - I've been doing this for years and still search! lol! Love your pretty take on the Muse this week- that gold 'nest' is a lovely bit of shimmer! So glad you joined us this week!

  3. Beautiful card, Nora! Love the gold thread behind the "hugs" die cut - looks gorgeous against the ink & cardstock colors.

  4. Beautiful card. Wonderful take on Anita's inspiration. The gold thread adds a special touch.

  5. Oh my are so funny! You have be sure you have the perfect color for your card so I totally get it. Now I just wished I lived closer to you to help you figure this out. Beautiful card, just love your gold nest, just the perfect amount of gold.

  6. What a pretty pile of inks that is!!! I am pretty sure that it would be lots of fun to play with you - I also have to admit that I am crushing on your button collection - so MANY in every single possible color - I LOVE how you use them when you are staging your photos!! Makes them look so cool!! THIS CARD is PHENOMENAL - love the colors and the little bit of blue as a border and the touch of gold that you geniusly added!! Wonderful card full of love and sweetness - such a treat for whoever receives it!! I wish you luck this week as you go back to work - I hope for your mind to be clear and for your heart to be at peace!!! Take card and I will see you SOON!!!

  7. I think the gold thread is perfection, Nora, and I love that you added the colored base as a happy accident! It's a favorite color of mine, so I'm naturally biased! This is a total winner in my book! Hugs, Darnell

    BTW, I am having a meeting here on Thursday night for the International Order Of Inkaholics (IOOI). (Because the acronym for the name of our group looks like the number 1001, each member needs to own 1001 ink pads in order to join. Obviously, you are a shoe-in for membership!! See you then!) Hugs, Darnell

  8. love this card, very well done.

  9. Thanks so much for your lovely words about my cards *blushes* Your card is a beauty, I love the stencilled diamond pattern and your idea to add the gold in the form of thread just works. Thanks so much for playing along at Muse this week, Anita x

  10. Gorgeous, Nora ... just the perfect ink combo ... and I love that fabulous stacked 'hugs' set against the perfect nest of gold ... delicious! Anita :)

  11. I think I need a 12 step program, too :) I really love your take on Anita's card...fabulous stenciling and your die cut sentiment is so striking! Congrats on being featured at Muse this week!


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