
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"Clearly Besotted-Out of this World" Cards and my NBUS Challenge #5

Happy Tuesday!

Today I wanted to share two cards I created using Clearly Besotted's "Out of this World" stamp and die set. Can I tell you that I have had so much fun making little "aliens" or monsters, as I like to call them. They are so FUN to COLOR!!

My first card, I created a shaker card. If you read my blog, you know how much I HATE making them but I have to say, this came out pretty well. I did get a bit of glue on the front of the acetate but I covered it up using some Pretty Pink Posh stars.

The first thing I did was stamp the background in with some blue and orange ink. I then created the shaker box using a Papertrey Ink "Phrase Play" die. I matted it with a blue panel like I created in this post. The fun silver sequins are a mix of stars that I have had in my stash for at least 15 years and some silver squares I purchased at JoAnn's. I then added the shaker box to the card front.

I then colored the little alien in with Copic markers, some gel pens and added him, as well as a sentiment, to the front of the card. I finished it up by adding some Pretty Pink Posh Silver Stars to cover the my glue mistakes.

I also used some clear Wink of Stella over the orange hair. It is hard to see the shine in this photo.

I LOVE how this came out. It is the first shaker card I have made that I have actually been happy with too!!

For my second card, the main inspiration was a card on the Pretty Pink Posh website. I used PPP's "Storybook #1" die as part of the inspiration.

I started by die cutting the storybook die out of white paper. I then created the bottom of the scened by stamping the planet image from Clearly Besotted's "Out of this World" stamp set. The sky was created by blending purple distress inks and then silver and white mists were shaken on top. I then adhered the panels on top of a black rounded edged rectangle die cut.

Next I scored the white card base. I then adhered both a patterned paper star panel and the black panel with the scene onto the card front.

I stamped, colored in and die cut the aliens, space ship and presents. Every image was colored in by using a combination of Copic markers and gel pens. I am kind of obsessed with using gel pens to enhance my Copic coloring on some of my images. It made the aliens oh so much cuter!

I adhered the images onto the purple scene using a combination of foam adhesive and flat adhesive. I added some Pretty Pink Posh star and clear sequins around the panels randomly to give the sky a little bit of a WOW factor. I also covered the space ship in clear Wink of Stella and used some purple Stickles at the bottom of the ship where the lights were.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how this card came out. It was a lot of work and took a ton of time but it was worth it.

I am entering this into Darnell's NBUS Challenge #5.

This is the first time I have used that PTI phrase play die even though I have had it for a year!! I also am using my PPP Storybook die for the first time too.

I thank you for stopping by. Have a FABULOUS day!!

Blue Alien Card:

Purple Alien Card:


  1. Dear Nora, your monster cards are too cute. Love them!

  2. NORA - unbelievably cute and so delightful - that is what these two cards are!! First - your shaker is marvelous, love those silver stars, what an awesome card!!! Second - your storybook card combines so many interesting elements and it just amazes and delights me!!! So very well done and I love seeing your creative projects!! Have a SUPER AMAZING day!!

  3. Eeeek!!! these are utterly... totally adorable. Are cute are those little guys! Awesome colouring and great design ideas to take away from both cards. Well done, Nora. You've done it again!
    hugs, Asha

  4. What a cute stamp set and what a cute cards you've created.

  5. These cards are out of this world! (oh yeah... no puns) These cards are scary good! (woops...there I go again) These creations are stellar! Alright, I'm done now. But your cards ARE super amazing! I really LOVE that shaker - it's so sparkly and has the perfect balance of vibrant color and white space. I would try that, but then I'd actually have to planet instead of fly by the seat of my pants (I can't resist).

  6. Fantastic cards! I love the bright color combo and shaker on the first and the scene/story you created on the second is so fun, your coloring is wonderful too!

  7. Those monsters are super adorable, Nora, and your cards are just perfect!!

  8. Adorable...just so adorable! I love all your sweet and colorful critters, they look so fun paired with those fabulous dies.

  9. Both your cards are too cute in a monsterish way! Thanks so much for sharing and joining in on the NBUS challenge. Hugs Bev (Uniko) x

  10. Stunning cards! I LOVE them! Thanks so much for joining in over at Darnell's using your NBUS. Good luck. Kylie - Happy Little Stampers xx

  11. The little monster is so scary cute! :) Fabulous card. So often kids just rip open cards and then throw them away, but I can just imagine the recipient of this card absolutely adoring it!

  12. Adorable little monsters - both cards are gorgeous! Love how you created your background on the first card and the vibrant and fun colors!
    Thank you for your nice comment.
    Rosi x

  13. Both cards are just adorable and so nicely made! But I especially like your shaker card!

  14. I am seriously grinning from ear-to-ear over these adorable alien cards, Nora, and I needed that, so thank you! Your vibrant shaker card is really dynamite (good job winking that awesome hair!) and your storybook with the fun scenes will be sure to tickle any alien-loving kid or adult!! Thank you so much for playing in my NBUS Challenge #5!! Mwah!! Hugs, Darnell

  15. I saw your card on NBUS #5. These are ADORABLE!!! :-D


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