
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wishlist Wednesday!!

Hello everyone!! I hope you are all doing well.

I do not have anything crafty to post today. I had major surgery last Friday and have been recovering. It would help if I was a better patient but I am not. For the most part, I have been feeling okay but today I had a particularly difficult day. Must mean I am getting better-at least that is how I am taking it!!

So instead of posting stuff that I made, I am going to post some things that I am wishing for!

Even though I am supposed to be on a "no buy" challenge, I totally failed today. I bought the Hero Arts October 2015 Kit. In all my plethora of stamps, I do not own a poinsettia!!
I have a huge wish list for My Favorite Things reveal tonight. I will not be able to buy it all but there are a few things that I plan to pick up, if I can get over there in time. (All images I poached from their release blogs as they were not on sale yet as I was writing this post.) 

I want the Tag Builder Blueprints 4.

 I also LOVE the new "Santa's Elves" set.

I am also loving the new "Cool as a Cucumber" paper they are releasing. It is such a pretty shade of green!!

I also love the new "Joyous Christmas Sentiments." The font is wonderful!!

I still have some oldies on my list as well but a lot of it is out of stock.

Mama Elephant has a release on October 15th. I want the "Reindeer Games" set to make some tags.

Can you sense a theme here? I guess I am finally getting into the Christmas mode!!

Thanks for stopping by today!!


  1. So sorry to hear about your surgery! Wishing you a speedy recovery! (And yes, a little retail therapy might help...)

  2. Hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery! I also don't have a poinsettia, but have managed to use other flowers to make it look like one. I don't think this year I'll be buying any Christmas stamps or supplies because I still haven't use last year sets yet. I do love the MFT Santa Elves set that you listed. It's very cute and the sentiments are sweet! Glad to hear that you're getting into the Holiday mood. Hopefully we'll be seeing some Holiday Cards from you soon? (Of course after you've recovered)!! ;-)

  3. You must be feeling pretty good if you are wishing and dreaming for new crafty NBUS, Nora! I'm so sorry you were in need of major surgery and I hope your recovery is complete and as speedy as can be! After all, I can't wait to see what you buy and create!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. I saw this set too... If I actually made more than a few cards every year, I could justify it, but so far, my damn common sense is winning out. But I love those inks, and that font, and the layering.... Good for you my friend. Now. Hope you're feeling better, and are healing well and fast. Take good care of yourself. And maybe one more little set wouldn't hurt Bev

  5. So sorry to hear about your surgery. Hope your up on your feet soon! Love all your pics!

  6. Hi there, Nora! I sure hope you're feeling better by now! Maybe you've even gotten your HA kit to play with?
    I feel ya with all the fabulous goodies you have on your wishlist, too...I love your choices from MFT, and those little ME reindeer will be going into my cart, too :)

    Sending you big HUGS that you will be back to your old self quickly!

  7. Nora- I hope you are doing well and being kind to yourself - it is hard to have to take things slower then we would like!! So, I hope you are healing and smiling and enjoying a slower pace for the time being!!! Thinking of you and wishing you well!!!

  8. Hi Nora,

    I'm sending you get well wishes from across the ocean and hoping that your recovery is going well. I like all the things on your wish list and hope that some if not all of the godoies make their way to you. I want some of those too!
    Carol x

  9. I hope all is going well with your recovery. Clearly the recovery period is a "dangerous" time because it's going you time to shop!!!

    LOVE your choice for poinsettias - what a gorgeous set. And I always have long MFT wishlists! I tend to justify quite a few new additions to my stash in fall and winter because I don't buy much the rest of the year - not Valentines, nor spring, nor summer - so I go a little crazy this time of year.

  10. You're gonna do such a pretty Christmas cards out of these! I had't seen the Cucumber yardstick yet, it looks so lovely. Thanks for sharing your wishlist!

  11. Oh, so sorry.. While hitting the send button I noticed the lovely autocorrect changed card stock to yardstick... it is so annoying.. guess how many times I write card stock for a post and it always corrects it to yardstick.. I guess the yardstick is more common word than card stock then.. :)

  12. Oh Nora so sorry to hear about your surgery, gosh I hope you start feeling better soon. I hope you get all on your wish list.

    Hugs Diane

  13. Nora I hope your recovery is going well, down time is shopping time for me so be careful that is a dangerous wishlist! ;) The other night I couldn't sleep and ended up placing an order at Simon Says Stamp at 2 in the morning! Wonderful wishlist and get better son! ~hugs


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