
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Always Playing With Paper-The Challenge #50 Card: A Christmas Color Challenge and Virginia's View Challenge #20

I hope your day is going well. Cannot believe it is already Thursday here. This week has FLOWN by! 

My first day back to work went well. Lots of hugs and happy smiles from all my colleagues. I got a lot of "hey, where were you?" from my students but I know they missed me!

Today I am sharing a card I created for "Always Playing with Paper: The Challenge #50." It was to use a color scheme of red, kraft, silver and white to create a card. At first, I was scratching my head. Then I had an epiphany. Here is what I created:

I apologize for the left part of the photo. The red ornament was reflecting off the silver and I was too lazy to go back and photograph it!! 

First I die cut the background using a PTI die from silver and white card stock. I then mounted using the positive and negatives from the colors onto a white card base.

Next I used some red thread and made some nests and adhered it to the card using glue dots. I layered a stamped, embossed and die cut vellum poinsettia over the thread. I adhered a sentiment strip over the poinsettia.

I then covered the middle of the poinsettia with Diamond Stickles, added Pretty Pink Posh sequins over that and then covered the sequins with glossy accents. 

I am in LOVE with this card. I had never used this stamp before and I am going to make a few more of these cards because I am so in love with it!! However, I think I am going to try to make some that are more monochromatic. 

Again, I am entering this into "The Challenge #50," as well as Virginia's View Challenge #20 that is all about texture. I think the thread, the layered embossed flowers and the sequin treatment can be counted for that. 

I thank you for stopping by today!! Have a wonderful Thursday!!

Dies-PaperTrey Ink
Paper-PaperTrey Ink, Die Cuts with a View
Stamps-Paper Trey Ink
Other-Thread, Pretty Pink Posh Sequins, Glossy Accents, PaperTrey Poppy Red Ink, Diamond Stickles, Glue Dots


  1. This is gorgeous! I love white embossing on vellum!

  2. This is so beautiful and elegant. The red thread really makes everything pop.

  3. I love this elegant design Nora and can understand why you are so pleased with it! That vellum poinsettia is just stunning! I'm glad the return to work went well but take it slowly my friend!
    Carol x

  4. Just so beautiful your gorgeous poinsettia!

  5. Nora!! this is so stunning! LOve that white on white poinsettia! Really lovely design! Happy to see it in The Challenge gallery this week!
    =] Michele

  6. Oh my goodness, Nora, that poinsettia is GORGEOUS!!! Lovely use of the inspiration photo's colors, thanks for playing along with us this week at The Challenge!

  7. Your epiphany turned out gorgeous! I love the vellum poinsettia. Mirror or glossy card stock can be so difficult to photograph. Just a beautiful Christmas card!

  8. Goodness, Nora, I literally moaned when I saw this, I love it SO much! I MUST make at least one vellum poinsettia card this year. Your's is just breathtaking!

    I apologize for not coming by for a while. When I would click on your name, it took me to your Google profile and the first post shown is an October post which I already commented on. I was just about to check up on you since I knew you had had surgery, but I clicked to the October post and then to your "home" button and walla! I'm so sorry that I've missed a few posts, but I'm delighted to see that you were, in fact, posting and that you are even well enough to go back to work! Yippie!! Don't over do it now!! Hugs, Darnell

  9. What a beautiful and elegant card! Love the little bit of red you added!

  10. Beautiful card! Love the vellum poinsettia too. Thanks so much for playing The Challenge!

  11. STUNNING creation! The embossed velum poinsettia is jaw-dropping gorgeous (and flawlessly embossed). Thanks for sharing with us at 'the challenge' :)

  12. Really elegant design Nora.

    Hugs diane

  13. Truly gorgeous! LOVE the subtle mirrored look of the background using that background. The vellum poinsettia is lovely - and there's nothing better than just a pop of red!

    I think your work must be getting in the way of your fun!! I just realized that your last post was 8 days ago. It sure sounds like you are happy to be back - I hope all is well.


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