
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Design Team Announcement

Today I am excited to announce that I am on the new Stamping Smiles Design Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge Design Team!!

I have long been admirer of Ka, the challenge owner, whom is a talented paper crafter and a really lovely person. I am delighted to be able to work with her and the other fabulous crafters on this design team.

I have to admit that this type of challenge is new to me but I know that it will be one to get my creative juices flowing. I am SO EXCITED to be a part of this design team and I hope that you will have fun playing along too.

Please check out the other talented design team members that I will be creating with.

The Challenge Originator

Design Team Members

I thank you for stopping by!! Have a wonderful day!!


  1. Nora, I'm humbled to be on the same team as you. My, you are one talented lady! So looking forward to getting to know you better!

  2. Congratulations Nora - I look forward to seeing your inspiration pieces! Hope you had a great Christmas.
    Carol x

  3. Hi Nora!!! I had to drop by to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you, and for the DT you'll be playing cards with! OH and for me to have a new challenge to play cards in!!! LOve your entry card ... that little mouse has never looked cuter! xxx Hope you are feeling 100% again! Happy New Year!
    =] Michele

  4. Yay! Congratulations to you!!! Happy New Year!

  5. WooHoo!!! Congrats on your new DT gig! That's awesome, and I'm excited for you. Will definitely be dropping by to play along! Happy New Year, too. Bev


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