
Monday, February 15, 2016

CAS(E) this Sketch #159

Happy Monday everyone!! I am going to admit something now-today is my birthday and I have turned 47. Age is only a number but I have been noticing things that I do not like.

For example, reading glasses. (Please excuse the selfie. I don't normally take them and so am not great at it.) I now cannot see a foot in front of my face. I have always had better then 20/20 vision and it KILLS me to have to have a pair of these in every room. I also cannot find them in smaller frames then these.

I also hate that I have to dye my hair every six weeks or you can see the gray coming in at my roots. I can deal with the wrinkles but gray hair? I am too young for that!!

Well, on that note, I am joining in with CAS(E) this Sketch #159 Challenge. I LOVE this sketch so much and am hoping to find time to do some more cards with it. I have a few ideas up my sleeve!! However, I made a really quick card last night using never before used stuff or NBUS.

This card was SO EASY to make!! I just inked and stamped the Hero Arts "Waves Background" stamp onto white card stock. I then die cut it and adhered it to foam and then to a white card base.

I stamped and embossed a sentiment and then adhered it on top of two banners I had created using patterned paper scraps from my drawer.

The last step was to adhere some Pretty Pink Posh sequins. Easy peasy and I LOVE how it came out!!

Below is the sketch I used:

Isn't it fantastic? Be sure to go over to the blog and see what the design team came up with. Their projects are jaw dropping!!

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great day!!



  1. Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your card is the colors!

  2. Happy Birthday, Nora! Hope your day is wonderful! Love your card!

  3. Happy Birthday Beautiful! Yes it is just a number, I had my 48th in November and I am very stressed that my 20/20 vision now means I need to have glasses with me all the time and the word progressive is in my future. Your card for today is gorgeous. I hope that you have a fabulous birthday!

  4. First of all, happy, happy birthday! I know that age is just a number, but dang the bigger the number the less I like it! I turned 48 in November so I feel your pain. In the meantime, your card is awesome! I love the ombre background and your stacked sentiment layers. Thanks for playing along with us at CAS(E) This Sketch!

  5. Great take on the sketch - a lovely pairing! I hear you on the glasses issue!
    Happy happy birthday!

  6. Okay, Nora, you look great, and as long as you FEEL great? that's all that matters!!! Happiest birthday, my friend! I adore your card, and it wavy background - I'd love to have that stamp in my arsenal! Thanks for sharing this beauty with us at CTS!! xx

  7. Happy belated birthday to you!!!
    If I could choose, I would choose gray hair anytime because it's really easy to change that! I don't have any gray hair, but oh boy, the wrinkles they keep coming! (approaching the big five zero later this year).
    Anyway! I actually came over to tell you I love your take on our sketch this week. Thanks for playing!

  8. Happy belated birthday!
    Your card is wonderful! I love the waves you stamped! Fabulous take on the sketch!

  9. Happy belated birthday!
    I love your wave background on your card! Fabulous take on the sketch!

  10. Belated Happy Birthday, Nora ... hope you had a fabulous day! Gorgeous card ... swooning over those delicious blue hues! Hugs, Anita :)

  11. LOVING the ombre and how the waves kind of fade in the distance!

  12. Belated Happy Birthday, Nora! What a wonderful take on the sketch--CAS perfection!
    And I love your selfie!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday, Nora!! I hope it was wonderful in spite of the "little" changes that are happening. Your selfie was awesome and you look great in glasses!! As someone old enough to be your mother, let me just say that all of that schtuff gets SO much less frustrating, so you might as well do what no one else manages to do: accept it and ignore it, like now. It's so freeing!! I wish I knew at 47 what I know now, lol, cuz I used to sweat a lot of small schtuff! And besides, birthdays are such blessings when you consider the alternative!!

    Now, about your card, which is why I popped over here from CTS: congratulations on the WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm jumping up and down with happiness for you! It is well-deserved because this card rocks!! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Darnell

  14. Happy belated birthday Nora! I'm so sorry to be late with good wishes but life has been a bit up and down of late. Your selfie shows me a beautiful woman who should have no fears about the aging process. I think your glasses are very becoming and I can't see a single line on your lovely face. I too have to wear glasses for reading and close work but I never thought I needed them for cleaning until I happened to put them on after I cleaned my kitchen the other day and saw all the dirt I had been missing!!Sigh.
    Anyway your card for today is gorgeous and such a fabulous take on the sketch.
    Carol x

  15. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you, Nora! I'm so sorry to be late with my visit...hope you had a great day!
    I love this card! The wavy background is so fun, and your sentiment banners are the perfect touch! You nailed it, that's for sure!

  16. Hi Nora!

    Congrats on your CAS(E) this Sketch #159 win! We would love to have you as a guest designer, if you are interested. If you are interested please contact me through the email link on the CAS(E) this Sketch blog. We'd love to have you! Thanks and congrats again!

    CAS(E) this Sketch Owner


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