
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day 3 PaperTrey Ink's "Grab and Craft Challenge"

Hello everyone!! I hope you are staying warm this winter weekend. The temperatures are frigid here this weekend. We have had quite a warm winter so I am not complaining. I like the cold!!

I created the project I am going to share for PaperTrey Ink's "Grab and Craft Challenge" that was issued on Day 3 of their reveal. The challenge was that you had five minutes to gather and grab your supplies to make a project. This was not hard for me as I have a huge mess on my desk once again from crafting last week and had a ton of "extras."

I used these bits and pieces to make the card and tag below.

I will admit that I did not exclusively use PaperTrey Ink products on these projects. I was making this for a co-worker that was going through a tough time.

For me, tea is something that represents calm so I chose to use PaperTrey's "Cup of Cheer" stamp and die set for my creations. I also used PaperTrey's "Big Hugs" die, as well as some other dies on the tag.

The yellow paper is a scrap that I had. I am going to start making an effort to use my scraps. I had to clean out a drawer of neutrals today because I could not shut it!!

I thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful night!



  1. UBER creative and beautiful projects, Nora! Love each and everyone of them!

  2. Nora I love your crisp clean colors and projects! Loving this sweet coffee cup with the yellow and navy,stunning!

  3. Love, love these color combinations!

  4. What lovely projects Nora, the embossed background with the stitched frame and lovely tea cup is wonderful.

    Hugs Diane

  5. Simply that sweet tea cup.

  6. Fresh, sunny, bright and so sweet, Nora ... a lovely idea for your co-worker! Hugs, Anita :)


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