
Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Crop, Some Cards and Trying to Fit in Crafting

Hello everyone!! I hope you are all doing well. It has been kind of quiet here this week. I have been SO BUSY running around with Charlotte, as well as fitting in the gym FOR ME, (though I would rather spend the time crafting) that I have had no time to blog. I actually hate when my weeks are like they have been. I am not one of those people who loves to be out and about, busy all the time. I am a homebody so being home is happy place.

I spent an overnight at a crop this past weekend. It was not far from my house and a bit pricy BUT it was so much fun. The food they served was FABULOUS too. Just look at the dessert table!

I had met the ladies I cropped with online at years ago. We used to have a bigger group and go to a store to crop but many no longer paper craft and the store has closed. The ladies came from miles around and Connecticut was in the middle so it was ideal for everyone.

Though only three of us attended the event this time, it was fun to catch up. I got a lot done for me. I created four cards and four layouts. Since I am so slow, that is a lot for me!!

Thank goodness we had a corner. Look at all my junk spread out!! I found it so hard to pack as I have a whole room to myself for my crafting. I don't like to pick and choose stuff. As it was, I left a shoebox of 6" by 6" patterned paper pads at home by mistake. The good thing was that the shop they set up was not that good so I bought NOTHING extra. I love when that happens!!

Today I am going to share two cards I created there. Both I used blending techniques for the front and the designs were very simple.

I used My Favorite Things "Fall Florals" for this card. I used Distress Inks for the blended background.

The circle was a bit of a fudge in placement for me. However, I used glue, something I rarely do-and I did not notice how off it was until it was dry. I think it was originally where I wanted it but when I added the die cut flowers over it, it slipped.

I used yellow and purples on the background for my second card. Again, the blending was done with Distress Ink. I also spritzed a little water onto the ink for a different look. This I made into a sympathy card.

I used a clear Wink of Stella on the flowers when I came home as I forgot to bring it to the crop!! Again, the whole design is simple. I cannot do complicated at a crop. I talk too much!!

That is all for today. I thank you for stopping by. Have a fabulous night!!

Pink Card

Purple Card


  1. Nora sounds like you had a really fun time and all of your cards are fabulous!

  2. Beautiful backgrounds... lovely card! Wishing you a quiet and peaceful week to come! (From another homebody ;)

  3., your cards are just beautiful. I love your shading on the background and your sweet flowers. How fun to spend the weekend at a crop. I used to go to one every year, loved spending time with a group of crafty friends, but usually spent way more time chatting than crafting!

  4. Good looking eats, indeed, Nora! Wow. how awesome you got to do this. Your cards are really wonderful - I've been waiting for that Fall Florals set!

  5. Your vibrant cards are so pretty! And look at those desserts... I also have the hardest time to pack supplies when I go crafting somewhere. You can be sure that I have the perfect stamp/paper/embellishment, etc. .... at home.
    Have a great weekend,
    from one homebody to another

  6. Sounds like a fun time! I love the blended backgrounds and those flowers!

  7. Gorgeous inking and blending! looks like you had a lot of fun! And those pastries and deserts - yum!!! Heaven on earth!

  8. Congrats on being spotted, Nora! LOVE the ink blending on both cards!


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