
Friday, March 18, 2016

Happy Friday, Upcoming Blog Hop and a Personal Day

Happy Friday everyone!! I hope you all had a FABULOUS week. This post has no photos and I apologize to those who dislike reading. It is just one of those kinds of days for me!!

I took a personal day today. I get three a year and tend to hoard them. I work in a school and I have to use them by the end of the school year. March is a looooonnnnnggg month in Connecticut. We no longer have a February vacation, which is okay most of the time because we tend to have a ton of snow days. Alas, we have had very little snow this year and I have started to go buggy, hence the personal day.

I was going to call somebody to do something today but felt like spending it by myself doing things I wanted to do. HOWEVER, as it often goes, I wound doing a combination of things that had to get done and things I wanted to do.

The first thing I did was to get rid of some bags of stuff I have been meaning to bring to Goodwill.
I was saving them to haul over to the consignment shop but I always feel really guilty doing that. I also had these bags for a while because I was giving away one of the last loads of some of Charlotte's baby clothes. She is fifteen and I found a plastic bin full of clothes labeled 18 months to 2 years. I will never need these again but it was so hard for me to go through and bag these up.

I have to admit that I get attached to THINGS and as I pulled out and folded up each piece of clothing, a memory popped into my head. Who gave her the outfit,  (and yes, most of the things were OUTFITS-socks, head bands, hats-you name it!!) where I bought the outfit, where Charlotte wore it etc... It really was like packing up my memories and it made me sad. I know I had to do it but getting rid of stuff is traumatic to me.

Then as the story goes, as I get rid of things, I buy things. I took a trip to Homegoods, one of my favorite stores. The one I go to is attached to TJ Maxx and I bought three pairs of summer shoes, two tops, two light weight sweaters and a pair of pants. I didn't buy anything at the Homegoods part but it was just so fun looking at the colors and the stuff they had. I should have taken photos but as it often goes, it was CROWDED and people were getting in my way!! Anyway, it was a fun trip for me, since I rarely take the time to get there, let alone be there by myself.

The last thing for today I wanted to talk about is an upcoming blog hop over at Stamping Smiles Design Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge.

I will be hosting and the design team will be featuring cards that have more of a "punny" nature to them. It will last all weekend-April 1st through April 3rd-and there will be PRIZES. I hope you will hop with us!!

I hope you have a great rest of the day. Hopefully I will get some projects done that I can post this weekend. I miss playing!!


  1. That was a wonderful chat, Nora! We have Homegoods and TJMaxx in common, too?!?! When are you visiting? xx

  2. I just saw mention of this on Lindsey's blog and wanted to come over and say that great minds think alike!! I will post your badge on my Boo Boo Hop for the same day, Nora, so people can link in both places if their cards are punny! This is a fantastic idea! I already have my card for my hop, but I will try to get another one made that will work in yours!!

    You really touched my heart talking about how hard it was to bag up Charlotte's baby clothes and full-on outfits. It is a really tough moment in the lives of all moms, but one that needs must. (Unless we want our kids to deal with tons and tons of boxes of schtuff after we kick it!) I send understanding hugs, Darnell

  3. Sending love to you - miss you and hope you are well!!


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