
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Freshly Made Sketches #241, Seize the Birthday Challenge and a Bit About Me

Happy Sunday everyone!! It is Father's Day in the states but since my husband is a Type A personality, he has been busy doing chores all day!!

I have been off for a whole week now and my vacation is not going as I had planned. I wanted to do a ton of little projects in my house, as well as have more fun doing blog challenges but it just has not worked out that way. Isn't that how it always is?

We did go away last weekend, so that did not help but had a fabulous and a much needed get away to see family in upstate NY. We laughed the whole time and it was so much fun!

Tomorrow I go in to fix a complication that was a result of major surgery that I had in October. It is not supposed to be as long a recovery but I am nervous none the less. For those of you that say prayers, please put me on your list that everything goes well!!

I did get in the craft room a tiny bit this week and played along with Freshly Made Sketches Blog with Sketch #241 and Seize the Birthday Blog-Theme: Anything Goes. It felt so good to get my hands dirty again!!

I actually created two cards for this challenge. Here is my first card:

This card started because I wanted to use my new Lawn Fawn "Let Me Smile" die. I paired it with some Echo Park "Party Time" papers and stickers, as well as CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Shenanigans" stamp stamp set for the sentiment.

 I added some paper behind the smile on the little face, as well as Nuvo Crystal Drops in black for the eyes. To make the hat sticker more festive, I added Stickles in Peacock Blue.

I even created a festive inside panel:

My next card was one of the EASIEST cards I have created in a very long time.

I mainly used Echo Park Party Time "Elements Stickers, " as well as the matching 6" by 6" paper pad.

I added some Stickles in different colors to give the top of the cup cake a little bit of sparkle.

I need to make more cards like this for my stash!!

Again, I am entering this card into the following two challenges:


Thank you for stopping by!! Have a great night!!

Supplies (please click on link below):
Birthday Card 1
Birthday Card 2


  1. Fabulous party them both.

  2. Nora your birthday cards are so cool! LOve all the DP you've used, and that shenanigans sentiment is just darling! You take real good care of yourself ... I will most happily include you in my prayers! xx

  3. Such fun birthday cards - they are both awesome! Especially love the combination of PP on your first card!

  4. Fun and fabulous cards! That little hat is just too cute! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  5. Such sweet birthday cards, Nora ... fun, bright and so celebratory! Hope all is going well ... will keep you in my prayers! Hugs, Anita :)

  6. Fabulous cheery birthday cards! I love the blackboard paper background on the first, and the sunburst behind the cupcake on the second. Hope your op goes well. Thanks so much for playing at Seize The Birthday :)

  7. Nora - most definitely you will be in my thoughts and in my prayers - I am so sorry to hear that there was a complication!! Best wishes to you!! Also, super cute and fun, happy, bright Birthday cards - each one so fantastic!! Hope you realize how amazing you are!!

  8. Hello Nora,

    I believe that Jesus heals! so I will be happy to stand with you in prayer for a speedy and full recovery!

    I was born and raised in Upstate New York!! I wonder where you visited? I was born in Lockport : )

    Your cards are delightful! as always. i am so glad you got the chance to play with paper a bit on your vacation : )

    Thank you for joining us at Seize The Birthday!


  9. What a great pair of cards Nora and I especially love the first one - makes me want to put on my party shoes! I'm so sorry you have had to have a second surgery and I hope it all goes well.
    Carol x

  10. Two really fun cards, Nora! Loving the fun birthday hat, and how you played with your Stickles on your cute!

    So sorry to be posting late...I hope your surgery went well for you, and I will keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery!

  11. I do hope all went well with your follow-up surgery. Prayers are going up.

    LOVE your cheerful patterns and images!! That smiley face and the shenanigans sentiment are perfect together!


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