
Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Day Late and a Dollar Short for the MFT Camp Create Challenge: Inlaid Made Easy and our 20th Wedding Anniversary

Happy Saturday!! It is hotter then anything here and the humidity is AWFUL. I am spending the day in my craft room and then will be going out to dinner later with another couple. We rarely do this and am excited about it.

We went away for the day to NYC on Wednesday for our 20th Anniversary. We walked over 10 miles (plus took the subway) and my feet are still recovering. Note to self-wear sneakers even if you don't think they look good!!

Comfort is better then fashion!! I have blisters in places that I have never had them before.

This is Chris and I on our way home from our day. One of the things we did was to visit both the 9/11 Memorial Museum and the reflecting pools outside.

I have to say, I was really impressed with both. The museum was understated and powerful. It gave you time to roam around, stop and think about what you were seeing. Since it was a Wednesday, it was not terribly crowded either. Made me sad because I still remember this event so clearly but I thought the memorial was well done.

My camera on my phone is not working correctly so I did not get a ton of photos on this day. Kind of disappoints me-not that I would have taken a lot in the museum anyway. I wanted to take it all in and be present. However, I do like to get shots of fun things we see.

Okay, now on to my card!! I created for this card for MFT's Camp Create: Inlaid Made Easy. Makes me mad because I had this card completed BEFORE the deadline but just was too tired to photograph it. Ugg!!

I started off by die cutting a piece of Bristol Board with MFT's "Chunky Chevron Cover Up" die and  using foam adhesive on the back to adhere it to a white, top folding A2 sized card base. I took all the tiny chevrons and misted them with Heidi Swapp "Teal," "Tinsel" and "Gold" Colorshine, as well as a "Picket Fence" Distress Stain.

While the little pieces of chevron were drying, I adhered sequins in random empty chevrons on the card front. Using a "Blueprints 13" die-namics, I die cut my sentiment strip out of MFT "Berrylicous" card stock and used Hero Arts "Soft Granite" ink with a stamp from MFT's "About Sympathy" stamp set. Try to say all that fast!! I also die cut the hearts using MFT's "Staggered Heart Border" dies.

When the misted chevrons were dry, I did a bit of inlaying-both with foam tape and without-in random empty places on the card front.

The last step was to adhere the sentiment and the hearts, as well as using Wink of Stella and Glossy Accents on top of the "Berrylicious" heart.

This was fun to do but not sure I would be using this technique often. It takes a lot of time and a bit of effort to create a card. I am just to lazy to make this kind of effort for every card!!

Well, again, this was for My Favorite Things Camp Create: Inlaid Made Easy day.


Thank you for taking the time to stop by. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your Saturday!!


  1. OH what a shame, Nora! It's quickly gone to the top of my list of favorites from your clever hands! xx

  2. This card is so lovely and refreshing!! It reminds me of a fresh country morning with that hint of sparkly and the pale floral print. Congrats on the anniversary! And even if you did get blisters, those cute sandals are totally worth it! :)

  3. Sounds like you and your sweetie had a wonderful day celebrating your anniversary...Happy Anniversary! Your photos are fabulous and love your sweet card, just as beautiful as can be.

  4. Nora this is beautiful! I love the blues and the bits of sparklies!

  5. Happy 20th Anniversary!! What milestone! I know that feeling when you are in NYC and you just have to walk and walk...glad that you had a grand time. Love your colors and delightful way of using that MFT cover plate! Beautifully done, Nora!

  6. Nora! this is just beautiful!! I love the colors you selected and the way you put sequins in the negative spaces!! brilliant : )


  7. Oh shucks! I forgot to say SWEET picture of you and your hubbers!! thank you for sharing the pictures. My husband and I will celebrate 20 years in September : )


  8. Happy Anniversary! Your day in NYC looks amazing, as does your lovely card!

  9. Love this one! It's given me inspiration for a card for DH's godson - thank you! XX

  10. Your card is gorgeous. Love the shaker elements, and especially how your sentiment seems nestled between those hearts. Also, I am planning a trip on Monday to New York, and we are also going to the 911 Memorial--it's nice to see your pictures of where we are going.

  11. Hi Nora ~ I'm so sorry for my delayed visit...Looks like you had a great time in NYC, even though it was peppered with the sadness of Ground Zero. I live close by, and will never forget this moment in our history. I think you make a good point about wearing sneakers next time, too!

    Love your inlaid die cutting on this card! The pattern really lends itself to dimension, and the effect of your misting is gorgeous! Love the addition of the hearts, too!

  12. Nora I bet your feet are hurting, NYC is on my bucket list. Your card is gorgeous, those chevrons are amazing!!


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