
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Freshly Made Sketches #243, As You See It Challenge #138 and SJ Card Kit "Extras"

Hello everyone! Was able to get into my craft room today after a very long week.

My stepmother lost her mother this week. It was very sad all around, though a blessing as well. My stepmother is a fabulous person and I just hated to see the pain she was going through. I cannot say that she was not prepared as her mother was 93 and had been ill but I don't think that you ever are fully prepared for a death, especially your mother.

On top of that, I have been searching for a dress to wear to a wedding next week. Nothing I try on is doing it for me. Hate shopping but I have been more then I like to this week!!

So today I am showing you a card that I created for "Freshly Made Sketches Challenge #243" and "As You See It Challenge #138," which was to use the colors red and white. I have played with the "Freshly Made Sketch Challenge" before but this is a first for me to enter the "As You See It Challenge."

This is the card I created for both challenges:

I had a picture in my head of how I wanted this card to come out but could not execute it. I knew when I saw the red and white challenge that I wanted to use my My Favorite Things "Etched Flower" stamp and heat emboss it with my American Crafts Zing embossing powder in "Rouge." 

My first three tries at doing this were not so hot-even though I did all the correct steps. It was MADDENING!! I finally switched the ink I was using from Versamark to Hero Arts Pigment Ink in "Unicorn White." It made all the difference! I then die cut my panel using an Avery Elle "Wonky Stitched" die and adhered it to my card using foam adhesive.

I die cut a leaf out of vellum using PaperTrey Ink's "Turning a New Leaf" die and a butterfly out of patterned paper using Memory Box's "Pippi Butterfly." I then adhered them to my card front.

I embossed a sentiment from My Favorite Things "About Sympathy" stamp set in white on a strip of "Red Hot" card stock. I then adhered it to my card front  using foam adhesive to finish it off.

I really like how it came out but am not happy that it took me so long to do. I am not a huge fan of heat embossing so just doing that technique stressed me out! Who wants to stress when they are supposed to be having fun?

Again, I am entering this card into "Freshly Made Sketches # 243", as well as "As You See It #138."


On another note, I created three cards out of extras that I had left over from my card kits. I was supposed to blog them on Thursday but could not due to searching for that dang dress and the wake. Better late then never I guess!!

The first two are very similar. Everything came in the kits with the exception of the teal card stock. 

I wanted to jazz up the card front a bit so I used my Martha Stewart mini scorer to score some lines on this card.

My second card I did some die cutting for the oval and on the sentiment, and layered everything in a cluster.

This card is my favorite. I did some ink blending behind the deer, as well as some stenciling. I then blended the same ink on the sentiment block.

I had colored the deer with Copics and layerd that over the sentiment.

My last step was to adhere the sun, which was a die cut scrap that I already had in my stash.

That is all for today. Hope you have a fabulous night!!


  1. Goodness, Nora, your "leftovers" are more divine than a lot of my "rightovers!" And your card in red is stunning to the max!! You might want to also enter it in the new Inkspirational challenge I just saw! My sympathies to your family for your loss. I think sometimes death is even harder when we our family members are blessed with long lives. Lots of hugs, Darnell

  2. many wonderful creations Nora! But your first card really steals the show, simply stunning!

  3. I really love how your red and white card turned out Nora - it really was worth the time even if it was frustrating! How great that you were able to make THREE cards from your scraps too and I love your little deer card.

  4. I'm glad you took the time to persevere with your red and white card! Although time consuming, your embossed floral background is stunning. The little details like the vellum leaf and stitching around the white panel add a touch of class. So glad you've discovered us and I hope we see you again at As You See It.

  5. The red and white card is stunning, Nora! There are so many beautiful and varied design elements, but they all work together so well! Love the red foil butterfly! Thanks for sharing it with us at As You See It Challenges this week.

  6. Fabulous cards! That red embossed background looks amazing! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  7. I like all of the cards you posted. Wonderful inking on that darling deer card. The one that caught my eye on Pinterst was the red and white card. I love it. Thank you for explaining how you made it and the tip about the ink.

  8. So many cards - not sure where to start - they are all wonderful! My favorite is the deer - just too cute!

  9. Nora what an amazing collection of cards. They are all so wonderful. But I have to say the red and white card is just stunning. So beautiful in design, perfect.


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