
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Gratitude Cards and a VERY Busy August!

Happy Saturday everyone!! I have not posted much this month. August has been busier then I predicted and since it was super hot, I didn't feel like crafting much. I also didn't buy any craft supplies, either. Now THAT is a miracle that needs to be repeated for the rest of the year!!

I spent all day in my craft room today. I had some cards I required myself to make to get out on Monday and I needed some regenerative time due to a memorial I went to today. A woman died unexpectedly that I worked with last week. Her kids (whom were 30 and 34) gave a eulogy that was just heart wrenching. It made me think about my own death and losing my mother at 23. Anytime someone loses a mother, it always makes me reflect.

One thing I learned from my mother dying young is to do the things I want to do now rather then waiting for "someday." We are not promised that someday. If you want to do something, do it. Laundry can wait. Your house can wait. Spend time with who you love and live your life to the fullest. Some can say they can not afford to do what they want but you don't have to have money to be present in others life and take pleasure in the little things.

That being said, I created some gratitude cards today. I totally CASEd Betsy Veldman's design she created ages ago using the PaperTrey Ink "Beautiful Butterflies" set. I really was not in the mood to think so copying Betsy's basic design helped me get what I needed to get done.

I stamped different butterflies in a sort of rainbow along the edge of the card of a white piece of card stock measuring 4 1/4" by 5 1/2." I then stamped the sentiment in black.

I die cut each panel using the My Favorite Things "Blueprints #13" die and mounted the stamped card front onto different colored A2 sized card stock.

I tried to match the colored card stock to a different corresponding butterfly for each card. 

I left the card rather plain and flat, very unlike me, because I just wanted something simple to send out. Sometimes flat cards are better. It kills me NOT to put sequins on it or add some mist spray but I talked myself out of it each time I was tempted to. 

I also stamped an envelope for each card with a red butterfly in the bottom left hand corner.

I created two other cards today as well but they are drying so I cannot photograph them yet. One was a challenge so I want to get it up before the challenge passes. Maybe tomorrow!!

Thank you for stopping by tonight. Have a fabulous night!!

Paper-PaperTrey Ink "Orange Zest" and "Aqua Mist,", My Favorite Things "Red Hot," Simon Says Stamp "Duckling," Recollections White Card Stock
Ink-My Favorite Things "Red Hot" PaperTrey Ink "Orange Zest," Simon Says Stamp "Duckling," Hero Arts "Soft Pool," Umbrella Crafts "Amethyst," and Ranger Archival Ink "Black"
Stamps-PaperTrey Ink "Beautiful Butterflies"
Dies-My Favorite Things "Blueprints 13"
Other-Big Shot, MISTI, Scotch ATG Gun


  1. I love, love, love these. The design is going right straight into my "I stole this idea" file.

  2. Very pretty Nora! I like the assorted card bases with the rainbow of butterflies!

  3. Pretty cards, Nora. And I so needed to hear the words about 'someday' vs 'now'. Big hugs, dear!!

  4. Wise words, Nora ... and such lovely cards ... those butterflies are just so pretty! Hugs, Anita :)

  5. Your butterflies are just beautiful, Nora! I love how you stamped them in rainbow order, too! Great idea to use different colors for your card base, and your sentiment and envelopes are just perfect!

  6. Absolutely stunning! I like how you've shown the variations!


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