
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Throwback Thursday and a Little Update

Hey Everyone!! I have been a little MIA as of late. I do not have any air conditioning in my craft room and it was really HOT for a couple of weeks. Heat does not make me want to craft!! I am hoping to rectify this next year but right now it is pretty steamy.

Today I am sharing a photo of Charlotte and my father that was taken a few years ago. My father just had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday so that has been on my mind. So far he is doing all right. It always scares me to have him in the hospital because a few years ago he almost died from a really serious infection.

Charlotte and I spent a long weekend at my Aunt's house this past weekend. Her house is on Lake Champlain and it is one of the most peaceful places to visit. Charlotte went tubing for the first time ever and I even had a chance to go too.

One of my cousins lives there too and we had so much fun spending time with her children. I love that we can not see them for so long but how the kids love to be with each other when they do. All my childhood vacations were spent seeing family and staying with my Aunt and then staying at a different Uncle's. They were some of the happiest times and it is fun to laugh about it now. I was a HORRIBLE child-very fresh and not well behaved, especially on vacation, so there are a lot of stories!!

My Aunt took me to a flea market and then to some antique shops while I was there. I bought some depression glass at the flea market but the antique store was a bit to pricey for my blood-especially when a few pieces I saw at the antique store I had gotten from the flea market for so much cheaper!!

On Sunday, my Aunt drove around the town so Charlotte could get some Pokemon for her Pokemon Go game. I just love this woman!! No one else would have done this and she was so excited every time Charlotte caught one. I had fun seeing the town. I so wish I could live there!!

We were supposed to come home on Sunday but decided to stay an extra night and play BINGO. This was something that we used to do as kids when we came up to my Aunt's. We would go with her and my grandmother. I wanted Charlotte to have this same experience. It was always so much fun!!

Unfortunately I did not win anything but my Aunt did! Charlotte was one away from winning $1000! It was a "special" game where you had to cover the entire card. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.

All this nostalgia has made me think about the past. My Aunt and I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning talking the first night I was there. She and my mother were extremely close and when I visit her, we always wind up talking about my mom. It just makes me miss my mother so much. I don't think about her daily but as I get closer to the age that my mom died, I think about her a lot more. It is hard to believe that she died almost 24 years ago. I still have so much guilt about so much that I did when I was young and I didn't have time to make any of it up to her. It is so hard to let it go.

So that is about it. Though I have not been blogging myself, every few days I do try to look at all my favorite bloggers. I try to leave a post when I visit. I will not be able to next week as we will be busy but I will be back the next.

I thank you for stopping by. Have a fabulous day!!


  1. Beautiful post! Nora you made me feel like I was right there with you. You are well blessed my friend. Try not to think about the regrets of the past but the success you have now that you are older. It sounds like you are raising a sweet daughter - just as your Mom did!

    Thank you for sharing : )


  2. Nora! You look like your Dad! who looks very handsome, and sweet! Take care, stay cool, and we'll see you and your darling cards soon ... thanks for sharing xx


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