
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A quick hello and a few Christmas Cards

Hello everyone!! It sure is echoing in here. I have just been too busy as of late to craft. I am looking forward to winter break to get back into the craft room and get some stuff done!!

Char turned sixteen this month as well as got her permit four days after her birthday. I cannot believe my baby is learning to drive. Yikes!!

Of course we had two family celebrations as all could not attend the same day so her birthday went on for a couple weeks. Isn't that how it should always be?

This is the second cake with her cousins. These kids were babies just yesterday!!

I wanted to post some Christmas cards that I did make last weekend. I send out home made Christmas cards only to people who made me some. Others get photo cards.

I used my Hero Arts "Layered Christmas Tree" stamps and Christmas paper to create these.

Since I had a ton to do, I used the same basic design. I stamped all the trees using Altenew inks that were in the sets. I then heat embossed over it with Tonic "Shimmering Pearl" embossing powder.

I used Washi tape on the bottom of each tree panel, as well as added some bows with shiny embroidery floss.

I stamped the sentiments on red strips in archival black ink and popped them up with foam adhesive.

I put the card together and then used Stickles in red, gold and green on the tree.

I rarely make cards in an assembly line fashion but this was a lot of fun. On this card, I even used a bold patterned paper. I am not a fan of larger designs but I think it works with this card.

Well, that is all. I thank you for taking the time to stop by.


  1. Sweet photo of your daughter, the cake looks yummy. Your collection of Christmas cards is just beautiful. I love how you changes up the background paper to create an entirely different look. Merry Christmas.

  2. Wonderful cards, Nora! Merry Christmas!

  3. Really beautiful Christmas card designs, Nora! Everyone who receives one will be chuffed! Thank you for sharing the pictures of Char on her special day! Truly, they WERE just babies yesterday! Sigh! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a crafty and healthy New Year! Happy Holiday Hugs, Darnell

  4. My youngest turned 17 yesterday and is now getting his real license. I haven't decided if that's good or bad!! LOVE your cards. The tree is gorgeous and takes on such a different look with each of the papers!


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