
Friday, April 14, 2017

Prom Shopping and CAS Colors and Sketches Challenge #218

It is Good Friday in the United States and it is the last day of my vacation. Today I went shopping for a prom dress with Charlotte. We fortunately found one in the first place we went to. It is a small place called Red Door Boutique that is about twenty minutes from my house.

I loved this shop because you made an appointment with a stylist and she was the one who went into the room with Charlotte to dress her. It made it much easier on me. I just sat on a couch waiting for her to come out and model it. The next best thing would have been a cocktail for the parents while waiting!!

Charlotte picked the green on the right for her dress. I do have photos of HER but will wait to post when she ACTUALLY goes to prom and is all dolled up. My daughter is more of a tom-boy in the way she dresses so getting her to wear a dress is a miracle in itself.

On another note, I have been attempting to get my craft room in order this week. It is slow going and part of me cleaning up is using up stamped/colored images I have on my desk. I don't want to start using new supplies until I use the old up that I worked so hard on-KWIM?

Today I am sharing a card I created for the CAS Colors and Sketches Challenge #218. I mixed images from My Favorite Things "Happy Hedgehog" set and a few other random sets to finish off my card.

Here is the sketch that I used to create the card:

I actually flipped the sketch a bit to make it how I wanted it to be. I am hoping that this it will be okay to still enter but I am going to try!! I also chose to emboss an area with my score board straight across the top in lieu of adding a piece of patterned paper.

I used Copic Markers in B0000 and B000 for the sky in the background. I just flicked across the panel many times, not worrying if it was perfect. I wanted a bit of white to show through like clouds. For the grass, I used a flicking motion with markers YG01, YG03 and YG05.

Instead of the square on the sketch I chose to include a speech balloon with the sentiment and the addition of a die cut heart.

I thank you for taking the time to stop by today. Have a fabulous day!!



  1. What a super cute hedgehog and a great take on the sketch! I bet your daughter will look amazing in that beautiful dress! Thank you for popping by my blog today and leaving a sweet comment! Have a lovely Easter weekend! Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  2. Such a cute little scene! Love how you used the speech cloud in the sketch. Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  3. I can't wait to see Charlotte herself in that gorgeous green dress! It's stunning and what a cool way to shop! Go you, Nora, for using your schtuff! I just saw my UFO box this morning and wished I could just stop the world for 48-hours and do nothing but get that schtuff made into cards. I can't keep EVERYTHING on my desk, lol, but I know that's really the only way to make sure I use UFOs and NBUSes. Slap! Your hedgie smiles is totally adorable! What a clever take on the sketch! Happy Easter! Hugs, Darnell

  4. What a sweet hedgie the choice of dress, gotta love the green!

  5. Mega cute card, nicely placed elements. Love the prom dress too! Thanks for playing at CC&S.

  6. Darling card, your use of the cloud for the sentiment is so cute. Thanks for joining us at CC&S.

  7. What a lovely cute card & love how you rotated the sketch. The subtle embossed lines and your colouring are perfect. Lovely to see you in the gallery at CC&S this week. Hugs Bev x

  8. I love the glossy finishes on some of the elements in your cute card Nora, and this is a great take on the sketch. What a civilised way to shop for a dress! I bet Charlotte will look gorgeous in it.
    Happy Easter.
    Carol x

  9. Such an adorable card! Your daughter picked a stunning dress and I can't wait to see the pictures!

  10. Absolutely adorable card! And great take on the sketch! Lovely dress, too!

  11. What a super cute hedgehog card design Nora. Wow that is a really pretty prom dress.

    Hugs Diane

  12. Super cute hedgehog! Love the freshness around him!


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