
Saturday, May 13, 2017

ScrapJazz Card Kit Saturday!

It is a dreary Saturday in the east and I am doing a bit of organizing today. I am also getting some Happy Mail ready for some friends that I have been meaning to send for a while now. I am so great at MAKING cards but never send them. Am I the only one like that?

Today I am posting the cards I created using the Scrapjazz April Card Kit that my friend Rosey created for us.

I created six cards wit this kit and mainly used the kit. I did do a bit of coloring, though, which was fun. I had all these completed last weekend but as it goes, I did not photograph them.

I cannot pick a favorite from this bunch because each is unique unto its own. I also was pretty simple with the design so I could make as many cards as I did. I still have a ton left over to make more later on!!

In other news, Charlotte got about 7 inches cut from her hair last week. After the prom, she wanted a fresh cut that would be cooler in the summer.

I cannot tell you how long it has been since she had her hair cut this short!! Her hair is naturally curly so when it is not straightened like it is here, it is very short. Charlotte straightens here hair every day and wanted to make it easy on herself time wise. (oh and here hair is even-this photo is not straight!!)

That is all from me today. I thank you for stopping by!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Sunday Nora, we too are having dreary weather. What cute card designs and Charlotte's picture is just adorable.

    Hugs Diane


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