
Monday, June 19, 2017

A Graduation Card

Happy Monday!! My FIRST real day of vacation!! I have a few goals this summer. One is to do some cleaning and purging. Charlotte does not have a job so she is going to help me. She is not too excited but beggars cannot be choosers.

I have slowly been cleaning up my craft room. It is slow going as I am a pack rat and NOT good at getting rid of things. I put them in the "to go" pile and then take them out of it days later. I am running out of room and all the "extras" wind up in a pile on my desk.

Today I am posting a card I created for one of my students that graduated this past Friday. As a rule, I don't always give kids a card because I would have to make too many. However, this boy was one of the HARDEST workers that I have ever meant. He has processing issues and he never gave up.

This card was probably one of the fastest I have ever made. I used CAS-ual Fridays "Bravo" and "Rad 2" stamp sets for the sentiments. The hat was from the "For the Graduate" set from PaperTrey Ink.

I added some clear Spectrum Noir Glitter Marker over the hat and covered it with Glossy Accents. I also made three score lines below the sentiments but you cannot see them in the photos.

The last step was to add a few sequins. The student asked me if the card was home made and told me he loved it!! I also added a GC to Ben and Jerry's inside.

That is all from me today. I hope your day is FABULOUS!!

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  1. Fabulous graduation that gorgeous blue! Enjoy your summer vacation!

  2. Cute grad card Nora! I like the broadway lights letters, they're fun! I do the clean and purge in June too. The guest room closet is where I stick everything I don't know what to do with throughout the year LOL, it's next!

  3. LOVE the fresh blue and white!

  4. That blue violet is a fantastic color ... can't believe I don't have it.


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