
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Throwback Thursday and Some Computer Issues

Hello everyone!! I have not been as active this month as I had planned for my blog. Life got in the way.

One of my good friends husband's died last week, leaving seven year old twins. He was only forty-five. It has left me without my mojo, pondering my own mortality. I just ache for my friend and her beautiful children. Not much I can do but support her but just let her know I am there for her. I made dinner for her tonight but what is dinner? It is just so inadequate. Why do the people who are good always the ones to pass away?

A beautiful thing her brother did this weekend was to plant a tree in their yard in memory of her husband and all his friends are going to plant flowers around it to honor him. We are choosing flowers that will bloom from spring until fall. I am going to plant tulips. They are one of the first flowers to bloom around here in the spring and thought that will be fitting as a wake up from the grays of winter.

Another lovely thing going on around here is my computer is running out of working memory. I have a TON on this computer and do have an external hard drive but my programs are not working right. I want a new computer with more memory but computers cost money and I am sure that everyone knows how that goes!!!

As I have been cleaning it off, I have been finding OLD projects that I have not posted on my blog. Figured I would post a few here.

The first is a card that I created. The photo is a bit blurry but this is one of the first cards I ever used Copic markers on. This is an old PSX Wood stamp-a company that I so miss.

Again, a page I created in 2009. This was Charlotte (left) and my niece. My sister took them to a park and did a photo shoot with them. I miss this age!!!

This is a total candid of Charlotte at the park in 2008, scrapped in September 2009. I used Basic Grey products on this. I so miss this company!!

Anyway, that is all for today. I have a new project tomorrow on CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog. There will be a sneak peek here too!!

Just so you know too, there is a clearance sale going on at CAS-ual Fridays Stamps. All stamps in clearance are $7.77!!

Thank you for stopping by!! I hope everyone has a fabulous night!!



  1. sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Losing loved ones is never easy and in my opinion taking time to make the family dinner is a wonderful thing to do. Your card is just beautiful and I love your sweet layouts, your photos are adorable.

  2. Oh, Nora, I am so very sorry to hear this news. Life can be so cruel. I'm sure your friend is getting a lot of strength just from you being there for her and the living memorials that are planned will be wonderful for her and the twins in the years to come.

    Thank you for sharing your fabulous unposted finds from the computer purge - what a job that is! Take care, my friend! Big hugs, Darnell


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