
Sunday, July 1, 2018

An Encouragement Card Preview and a Catch Up on my Life

Hi everyone!! Long time no see. It has been CRAZY in my household. Charlotte graduated last week and I have been busy since then trying to get ready for her graduation party that we gave her yesterday. I am NOT an entertainer so having tons of people over stresses me OUT. I will post photos at a later date.

Today I am over on the CAS-ual Fridays Blog featuring an encouragement card. My friend's mother is going through a rough time with radiation and chemo and I wanted to make her a special card. Here is a sneak peek and a photo step-by-step is over at the blog.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by. I will be back this week with some more projects and photos of my life!!!

Have a FABULOUS Sunday!!


  1. Congratulations to Charlotte and I hope the party went well Nora and you can relax a bit now.
    I love your fabulous colour combination for this pretty card and I am sure it will bring some comfort to your friend's Mum.
    Carol x

  2. So sorry to hear of what your friend's mother is going through. She will truly love this thoughtful and pretty card. Happy graduation to your Charlotte, what an exciting time for her!

  3. Hi Nora - what a lovely card and so thoughtful. Congratulations on your graduate. I hear you on the stress of having people over.

  4. Good to see you post and create Nora! Congratulations to your daughter and to you, hope the festivities went well. Beautiful flowers, love everything about this card!

  5. I totally relate. I hate entertaining - it got to the point with my sons that I paid them NOT to have a party. They could use the money that we would have spent on a party to buy themselves a gift! Sad, huh??


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