
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Cards for Some Challenges

Hello everyone!! I thought I would be posting more but came back from a Disney vacation last Sunday and it took me almost a week to recover from it. We had A LOT of fun-Charlotte's last hurrah before she starts school August 18th. However, Disney is NOT what you call a "relaxing" vacation. You spend all that money you want to get your money's worth!!

I was able to make a few cards this week. I am trying to participate in more challenges!!

The first two cards I created I made for the July Twofer Challenge.

The theme for this month was "beverage."

I had to use the same stamps and make two different cards from them, for two different occasions.

I used the Fusion Challenge this week for the card sketch, as well as Seize the Birthday "Anything Goes" theme as a jump off for my first card.

I am planning on making another card for Seize the Birthday WITH the stripes topping but just didn't have not gotten around to it!

I had created these bottles a long time ago and had them in my stash so it was fun to pull them out. The first card I created for a birthday. I used the MFT "Soda Pop" stamp set and the "Soda Pop" die-namics for this card.

My second card was more of an "all occasion" card. I just really wanted to put different labels on the colored bottles so used all but the birthday. I also went back and fixed the glitter on the lime label. It kind of dried altogether. I took a pin and separated it but didn't feel like retaking the photo.

I am also posting a card I created with the mess from my desk. I often stamp and color things then they sit on my desk.

The flowers and the dragon fly are from two different Hero Arts Sets. I masked the flower from "Marianne's Flowers" and used Copic Markers to color them in.

The sentiment is from Altenew's "Beautiful Quotes" stamp set. I LOVE this stamp set!!

That is all from me today. Have a fabulous night!!


  1. Seriously rocking those drinks ... love them.

  2. Hi Nora ~ I am so impressed with your gorgeous flowers and sweet dragonfly on your last card...such a beautiful sentiment, too! I also love how you created texture on your soda bottles...Both cards are fabulous, yet I am partial to the effect of all those great colors on your black's so striking! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Fusion!

  3. Your frothy bottle backgrounds will have everyone who visits longing for an icy cold drink, Nora! The summery colors are so perfect for this heat! I love the lime, orange, and lemon paper and colors - and the straw! - on your birthday card! And your berry juices look smashing against that black base all-purpose card! The sequins look like bubbles! I also love your beautiful floral kindness card! (I wish the mess on my desk were this awesome!) Thank you for playing in Twofer Card Challenge #7! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Your citrus-y birthday card looks so refreshing, Nora ... the splashy smooshing on the bottles adds such a great sense of energy and movement ... zesty, zingy, delicious! The row of sorbet coloured soda's really pops against the dark background ... and the detailing with the sequins and glitter is fabulous! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Twofer! Hugs, Anita :)

    Such pretty florals ... a lovely 'bonus' card! A:)

  5. Your cards are all fabulous and I especially love the fun "pop" creations! Thanks so much for joining us at Fusion!

  6. Love your cards! So glad you shared one at Fusion!

  7. Love the fresh colors of your soda bottles! The citrus paper on the birthday card is a perfect match! And the colors really pop on the black background! The sequins make fun bubbles! Fabulous designs!
    Thanks for joining us at the Twofer!

  8. I love the colouring gf your bottles! And a pretty fine card out of the leftovers on your desk, too. Thanks for linking up with us at Seize the Birthday!

  9. Those soda bottles look so refreshing, Nora! Your citrus birthday card is darling with those slices of fruit! I love the black background that pulls out the bright colors and sequin bubbles on your second card! So glad you had a great Disney vacation and are starting to recover. Thanks for joining in the fun with us at the Twofer Card Challenge!

  10. Hi Nora! I'm loving that colorful rainbow of soda bottles - they'd hit the spot on a day like today. Settling for eye candy here!


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