
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Epic Fail for CAS(E) this Sketch Challenge #286, My Entry for CAS(E) this Sketch and Less is More Challenge Entry #2

Good morning friends!!

I hope you all are having a nice morning. I am getting ready to go to a picnic later. Made Whoopie pies as my contribution and looking forward to seeing some old co-workers.

Today I am posting three cards. The first is a card that I made to send to my daughter at college. One of her nicknames is "monkey" so I used Mama Elephants "Monkey Agenda" and the "Swinging Borders" stamp. I used CAS(E) this Sketch #286 as my inspiration.

However, then I messed up. I stamped the sentiment crooked and I had to improvise by covering it up. This made me place the monkey in a place I wasn't planning to place it. I needed this card so there was NO WAY I was throwing it out!!

The leaves were colored in with *Copic Markers and then used a *Tonic Clear Sparkle Marker over them.

I then used some *Glossy Accents over the banana.

So due to my mistake, I created ANOTHER card for my entry to CAS(E) this Sketch #286.

Once again, I switched it up and am hoping it is okay. Instead of a HUGE sentiment, I used the Mama Elephant "Swinging Borders" stamp and then a tiny My Favorite Things smile sentiment from the "All Smiles"stamp set.

I then used a monkey for the shape on the side of the sketch.

I chose to color in the leaves darker then my first card.

I also covered the leaves in with a *Tonic Clear Gloss Marker and *Glossy Accents.

My next card I created using the Less is More Challenge #378 as my inspiration.

I used the DoCrafts *"Moroccan Tiles" die for my squares.

I die used some of the cuts inside the squares for the flowers.

The hearts were die cut using CAS-ual Friday Stamps *"Fun-Fetti Fri-dies." I used sparkle marker and glossy accents over them to give them some shine.

The sentiment is from My Favorite Things "Bitty Bears" stamp set.

Well that is all for me today. I am off to walk with a friend. Have a FABULOUS day!!

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  1. Delightful cards Nora! Those little monkeys are adorable!

  2. Those little monkeys are matter where they are sitting on their vines!!

  3. Great cards, Nora! I especially love the first two with the monkeys—very clever and fun takes on the sketch!

  4. Three terrific cards, Nora.. Your monkey cards are just too cute! The flower card for our challenge is so fun and fresh. Love the sparkle and shine. Thank you for joining us at Less is More. xx

  5. Nora, I love, love, love the sweet little monkeys!!! What a fun and sweet design! I also adore the Moroccan tiles you paired together - the colors are just lovely!! Thank you so much for all of your kind notes and visits over on my blog. So sorry for my tardy reply! Things should be back to normal soon-ish! Sending you so many hugs dear crafty friend!

  6. Hi Miss lady
    I was in Indonesia from 22 July until 26 August
    I was visiting my parents and doing holiday there
    I just have time today to open my computer and wanna visiting your lovely cards
    and if I have much more time I will doing catch up but for now this post first.
    I adore how you colored the cheek of the Monkey so sweet
    and the leaves there ooh I love your CAS card sweety
    and the other one also adorable color combo and sweet mini heart in different color I LOVE it
    great post Nora
    big hugs and I miss your visit again


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