
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lawn Fawn Fanatics Project for Challenge #38

Happy Thursday!! I know that I have been kind of absent of late, I have been crafting up a storm! Working and blogging do not go together!!

Today I created some Halloween projects. I made two candy jars-one for my daughter at college and one for her roommate.

The first jar I created using Lawn Fawn's Pick of the Patch Stamp and Die set.

I used Distress Ink on a tag I had die cut using the Lawn Fawn Tag You're It Dies.

I used the Lawn Fawn Fanatics Awesome Autumn Challenge #38 as my inspiration.

I then added some of the little critters from the Pick of the Patch that I had colored in using Copic Markers.

For my second jar, I used the bat image from the original Witch Way Candy? stamp set.

Again I used Distress Ink on a Reverse Confetti tag. I covered it with silver stars that I die cut using the CAS-ual Fridays Fun-Fetti Fri-Dies.

I used Copic markers to color in the little bat and then covered it with clear sparkle marker.

Here are the two together.

In other projects, I created these nail polish cards. They were inspired by Nichole Spohr's cards she created using Honey Bee Stamps Nail Polish Bottle die. She added some die cut sentiments on the words but I chose not to put any on right now. I will add them as I give them out for an occasion.

I created ten of these cards, using various sparkle card stocks. I used Tonic Studios Satin, Black Velvet cardstock for the tops.

I created five cards with the flat bows and fiver cards with the 3D bows.

Here is a close up of a flat bow card. The bottoms were shaded with Distress Ink and then covered with Glossy Accents.

Here is a card with the 3D bow.

Well that is all from me today. I thank you for stopping by. Have a FABULOUS day!!

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  1. You have been crafting up a storm! The treat jars are darling, the girls are going to love them! And how much fun are the nail polish cards. Look like something those college girls would also enjoy!!

  2. Wow! Love your tags and nail polish cards!!

  3. So cute! I love the details in your squirrels' tails! Thanks for joining us at Lawn Fawnatics!


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