
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter and my turn on CAS-ual Fridays Stamps

Happy Easter everyone!! I hope you are all enjoying your day.

I am over at the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog with a birthday card. I know, I know, you were all expecting an Easter card but what is the fun of that? I say expect the unexpected!! Below is a sneak peek of my card.

It is the most fun I have had using alcohol inks and coloring that I have had in a LONG time!! Hope on over to check it out!!

I hope you all have a FABULOUS holiday!!


  1. This is a stunningly beautiful card. I stopped in my tracks when I saw it on their blog - but wasn't surprised when I saw that it was yours!

  2. Gorgeous card, Nora! Great job with your AI's, too!!!


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